
Jesus Christ was transgender.

But the view of a transgender Jesus is ‘legitimate’, according to Dr Michael Banner, the Dean who stepped in to defend the claim made at a Sermon last Sunday that Christ had a ‘trans body’.

Fuckwittery of the highest order. Jesus Christ was a first century Jew. He probably had a body that was typical of a first century Jew. The concept of transgender simply did not exist, so, yeah, fuckwittery.

Dr Michael Banner, the Dean of Trinity College, was backing up junior research fellow Joshua Heath, who displayed Renaissance and Medieval paintings of the crucifixion depicting a side wound that he likened to a vagina in front of the congregation.

The side wound ‘takes on a decidedly vaginal appearance’, said Heath, whose PhD was supervised by the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams.

This man is using as evidence, pictures painted over a thousand years after Christ lived. Images painted from the imagination. Images that likened him to a medieval Caucasian. And the would is fairly typical of paintings of such wounds of the time. Nothing like a vagina. One wonders if this man has seen a vagina.

‘In Christ’s simultaneously masculine and feminine body in these works, if the body of Christ as these works suggest the body of all bodies, then his body is also the trans body,’ claimed the researcher.

Heath used the 1400th-century painting Pietà with the Holy Trinity by Jean Malouel, on display in the Louvre, to illustrate his point, according to The Daily Telegraph.

The images painted in this time followed a pattern that reflected the fashions and preferences of Europeans at this time – nearly a millennium and a half after Christ’s death. No one at that time would have seen the real man.

As I say, the man is a fuckwit spouting unscientific bollocks.

In a letter to the Dean, one worshipper said: ‘I left the service in tears. You offered to speak with me afterwards, but I was too distressed. I am contemptuous of the idea that by cutting a hole in a man, through which he can be penetrated, he can become a woman.

‘I am especially contemptuous of such imagery when it is applied to our Lord, from the pulpit, at Evensong. I am contemptuous of the notion that we should be invited to contemplate the martyrdom of a ‘trans Christ’, a new heresy for our age.’

Contempt is indeed the only rational reaction to such fuckwittery.


  1. I think it’s rapidly getting to the point where you just have to give up. You really cannot win against this level of stupid. Personally I trace it all back to when teachers started giving out prizes to kids for coming last, then dumbed down universities.

  2. There is irrefutable logic here, bigots.
    According to accepted gender social scientific* theory, men and women are the same in every way.
    Therefore a man is a woman.

    Therefore Christ, being a man, is also a transgender woman. As is every man in fact. And all women are transgender men.

    So there.

    *Not at all science – more like sciencey sounding bollocks on stilts. With an extra helping of bollocks.

  3. “Heath used the 1400th-century painting…”

    Really? A painting from 1,379 centuries in the future? Doesn’t The Mail have any sub editors left?

    Oh, and as somebody else (can’t remember who) said: I wonder what 1st century gender reassignment surgery was like: “Just chop his bollocks off, we need another soprano for the choir”. Or is that a bit later?

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