Iz It Coz I Iz Black?


A former Labour MP facing jail for threatening to throw acid over a suspected love rival reportedly told her supporters: ‘I am a black woman in a white court.’

Leicester East MP Claudia Webbe, who has been suspended from the Labour Party and is now an independent, was convicted earlier this month of harassment against suspected love rival Michelle Merritt.

The court heard she had threatened to throw acid and send naked photographs and videos of Ms Merritt to her family.

That’s what these people do when caught out. They play the victim card. Well, she isn’t the victim here, she is the aggressor and she got caught. The skin colour of the people in the court is irrelevant, she commited a crime and has been found guilty. Time for a recall petition in her constituency, frankly, as with other Labour MPs who thought the law doesn’t apply to them, she needs to be booted out tout suite.

Ms Webbe, 56, will be sentenced on November 4 but was warned she could face prison.

But in a message apparently sent to her supporters before the verdict, the MP – who denied the harassment claims – said: ‘I am a black woman in a white court, facing a white system and white prosecutors.

‘I have been deliberately targeted because I am vulnerable.’

It continued: ‘I know first-hand the sexism and racism institutions and media use to vilify black women.’

Fuck off. You committed a crime. Your skin colour has nothing to do with it.


  1. OK, fine: you’re a violent black criminal. If the prison population is anything to go by, you’re not exactly a novelty.

  2. She should certainly not be in Parliament or hold any other public office ever again.
    But whether she should be in prison is trickier – she didn’t actually DO anything, she only threatened to do some pretty unpleasant stuff. No-one was physically harmed, although the target may well have been traumatised. The old line ‘sticks & stones etc’ applies.
    However, given that she’s black, a recently Labour MP and is equipped with the standard pussy-pass (which excuses female offenders when a male doing the same would be banged up), she’ll probably go free with a forgettable token suspended sentence.
    Better perhaps that the target should be awarded £250k in damages, with 5 years jail for non-payment – that would actually hurt the offensive bitch.

  3. Playing the race card can cut both ways. If some white supremacist wanted to claim that black people are inferior she would provide the perfect exhibit A.

    • These cretins don’t think that far ahead. They always play the race card. I saw a video recently of Lori Lightfoot, the appalling mayor of Chicago. As soon as she was challenged she played the card right on cue.

  4. Okay, so she’s using that as a defence? Because she has more melanin she can threaten people with impunity?

    Not the kind of person of much use as a representative, methinks.

  5. I read her tweets regularly, she’s clearly mentally unstable.
    Interestingly they haven’t published a picture of her victim, if she’s black as well then that would be hilarious.
    She won’t get prison though but if the voters of Leicester East keep electing idiots like her and Keith Vaz then they deserve everything they get.

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