
That poisonous rag, the Guardian has a piece entitled “What we got wrong over 200 years.

Fiercely critical of Abraham Lincoln and at times racist, this newspaper’s leader columns did not always get it right

A daily newspaper cannot publish for 200 years without getting some things wrong. This one has made its share of mistakes.

There will always be errors of news judgment given the nature of the work. Tight deadlines meant the sinking of the Titanic was relegated to a small spot on page 9 in 1912; errors of scientific understanding resulted in a 1927 article that promoted the virtues of asbestos, and others in the late 1970s that warned of a looming ice age.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You don’t need an article as it can be summed up much more simply than that – The Guardian, always wrong about everything all of the time.


  1. As Guido pointed out the other day, they posted

    ‘times change but the Guardian’s values don’t’

    yet here they claim the opposite! The sooner they go bankrupt the better

  2. “…and others in the late 1970s that warned of a looming ice age.”

    How is the current warning of climate apocalypse any different? Just as wrong but in the opposite direction.

  3. I find it astonishing that in even a small article about errors the Guardian has made in 200 years that ’employing George Monbiot’ didn’t even get a look in

  4. [Guardian] 1970s that warned of a looming ice age

    Guardian deserve some credit for admitting that

    BBC, Google/YT, WikiP, Fact-Checkers etc have been actively purging that from history & internet

    I remember watching ice-age coming on Blue Peter, News etc in 70s

    Can we post this on Facebook, Twitter… now?

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