
They’ve got the queen at it now.

The Queen has encouraged people to “think about other people rather than themselves” and get the Covid-19 jab in a video call with health officials leading the deployment of the vaccine across the UK.

Okay, let’s break that down, shall we?

Firstly, the vaccine does not stop you getting or spreading the disease. All it will do is reduce the severity of symptoms.

So, given the above, it makes no difference if you are vaccinated or not when it comes to other people as you can still pass it on. If you have been vaccinated and I haven’t, you will get reduced symptoms if I pass it on to you. If we have both been vaccinated, then the outcome is the same.

If you give it to me, I’ll get the full blown symptoms if I haven’t been vaccinated. But as it’s my choice, I am responsible for the risk, not you. If we have both decided to eschew the vaccine, then we both understand the risk we have taken and no one else is affected. So thinking about others by getting vaccinated is a vacuous argument that is demolished by logic.

See also face masks.


  1. Sure, but Her Mag is in a bit of a constitutional bind, since it’s clear that “The Queen’s Ministers” believe all this hogwash, even if she herself doesn’t (and I’ve no idea of her personal views on the matter).

    She has to follow the advice of those ministers and if that advice is “Get on the box and gee the nation along”, that’s what she’ll do with an appropriately worded speech cleared by BoJo and the other clowns at Number 10.

    So, for myself, I’m happy to give Brenda a bit of a pass on this.

    BoJo and the other clowns, not so much.

  2. Didn’t you receive the memo?

    Logic & Rationality have been banned – thought police will be along shortly to re-educate you

    Vaccine: correct, it’s to protect vaccinated, not others. If anyone should “think about other people rather than themselves” it’s the vaccinated who, if symptomatic, will be spreaders. There are also concerns vaccine may induce asymptomatic spread

  3. The UK. No longer abides by the Universal Dec. Of Human Rights in respect of bio-ethics, namely article 3 pt. 2:- Society never will accede to the right of the individual. Furthermore, for the ones at the back, article 6 specifically states that consent may be withdrawn at any time.
    This knowledge is old.
    Not sure why my Grandad died for it.

  4. All bets are off, welcome to your ‘newnormal’. Same as the old normal, but this time the slaves have woken???

    • @Eric
      As asymptomatic do not transmit (zero proven cases), the concern is vaccinated asymptomatic might transmit based on the trials’ evidence. Hence the new messaging of “Assume you Have It, Even If Vaccinated”

      We may end up with more/longer restrictions due to vaccine

      RoI has already announced 2021 is cancelled

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