That Vaccine

Leggy discusses the vaccine

The Billy Gates Gruff ‘vaccine’ does not do this. Bear in mind that the immune system recognises antigens – bits of surface material, not whole cells – and destroys the cell carrying them. The entire cell.

So, the Billy Gates Gruff ‘vaccine’ makes your own cells produce surface proteins that your own immune system recognises as foreign. It does not simply block the protein. It kills the cell carrying it. Your own body cells.

This is not a vaccine. This is an autoimmune disease in a syringe. I don’t care if they never let me enter a pub or restaurant or travel on a plane again. Not that we will be able to afford planes once the budget airlines have been wiped out. I am not going to be injected with this monstrosity.

I assumed that this was to be a conventional vaccine using dead RNA, much like the current flu vaccine. My concerns were more to do with the indecent rush to market. But this? Good, God, no. Never.


  1. I am waiting for the Astra Zeneca / Cambridge vaccine.
    I’m not convinced about the Pfizer one – it’s keeping/delivery conditions are a “little delicate” shall we say for any robust confidence ….

    • So you’re an anti-vaxxer now? That didn’t take long!

      In parts of the aerospace industry until quite recently there was a quality management system known as 6 sigma (some of you, I’m sure, will have had dealings with it. Not sure if it is still in use. Likely so somewhere. Did rail use it?) 6 sigma meaning 6 standard deviations.

      In English, the aim was, for any given process, to have no more than three faults/failure – however defined – in a million operations.

      Had the “process management” crowd veritably frothing at the gusset in their enthusiasm for application (some of which were positively Dilbertian believe me).

      Of course, it all comes down to the definition of failure and success. For example, by the number of passengers killed in crashes, Aeroflot was a 6 sigma airline. As I’m sure are the Chinese police based on the number of people arrested who they accidentally beat to death.

      You get the idea.

      The generic goal (maybe not an actual stated goal but it was difficult, talking to the converts, not to gauge the alchemy they believed in) of all this cockrot was to have processes in place such that complex electronic systems could be designed/developed/manufactured and certified with a minimal of actual testing. This last, for reasons I could never get my head round, was always considered by those of a managerial bent, as some sort of tiresome and wasteful afterthought. Many a time, during a test programme was I berated when a system failed, so ingrained was the belief.

      In my frail dotage, I’m behind a desk now and am no longer at the sharp end of this sort of thing. Now I observe, both amused and appalled at the same time

      I shudder to think if this sort of mindset has got to vaccines and medicines!!

  2. ‘Dead RNA’ – you can’t kill RNA, it’s just a molecule 😉

    Traditional vaccines use dead cells or fragments of the outer coat. The immune system recognises them as foreign and attacks them. If the vacine is effective, as most are, the immune system remebers the foreign proteins and is redy to respond if the same proteins appear when an actual infection arrives.

    What buggers it up is that coronaviruses mutate really fast, so this year’s vaccine might be out of date before you get it. A vaccination against, say, measles, will always work because measles doesn’t mutate much, if at all.

    Coronavirus vaccines will never work at anything like the efficiency of vaccines against stable pathogens.

    • What buggers it up is that coronaviruses mutate really fast, so this year’s vaccine might be out of date before you get it.

      Yes, I’ve mentioned this one in previous discussions. That 90%+ effectiveness is for that strain, not the other ones floating about.

  3. Having grave reservations about one particular vaccine does not make someone an anti vaxer. Vaccinations are generally safe and effective. Many unpleasant diseases which were still around when my parents were growing up are now pretty much unheard of now. The rushed attempts to produce a Covid vaccine should concern any sensible person.

    • I think the point is that you might not be given the choice.

      The Jesus-Gates version (if that’s the one being pushed) is not being supported by science so much as by the political paradigm (if I can call it that).

      Modern day Lysenkoism meets PowerPoint meets facebook. There are plenty of examples: “renewable” energy, milk floats, “green” this, “green” that.

      Leeches are probably just as effective!

  4. That was my first thought too regarding the Gates vaccine once I had read how it works. Am concerned about the Pfizer vaccine too as the very low temperature it is transported at is to keep messenger RNA stable. Oh dear.

  5. I assumed that this was to be a conventional vaccine using dead RNA, much like the current flu vaccine

    Summary: No. They target a single spike on prevalent human C-19 that differs from other Coronavirus – hence the mass slaughter of Mink where the spike mutated rendering vaccines useless (did they slaughter the mink infected humans too?)

    Also, aim is not to prevent, but to avoid severe symptoms (like HCQ does)

    imo Leggy is rather OTT with his concerns – is there a Gate’s Vaccine?

  6. I tend to share Leggy’s concern about this one. I don’t know about the Gates thing, to be fair. I also suspect much of that is conspiracy theory.

    • Quote Peggy’s panic about the vaccine, then concede you don’t know about it?

      Maybe suggests your original article was a little more on the Daily Fail side of sensationalism.

    • @LR

      Leggy’s post screams “conspiracy theory” to me. Ask Toby Young at Lockdown Sceptics to ‘fact check’. He has a lot of immunologist contributors

      I am not endorsing rushed vaccine, but equally I don’t want fantasies given credence. Because you ‘trust’ leggy on many, doesn’t mean blindly trust all

      eg YT Rev Simon Sideways mostly good, but sometimes bat shit crazy

      • With respect to the Bill Gates thing, I’m inclined to agree. I have seen no evidence of nefarious activity on his part. However, Leggy’s background is microbiology, so I’m inclined to trust him on the specifics of how the vaccine works, not least because what he is saying is what the developers are saying about how it works.

        They are hailing it as a new way forward with vaccine development. They may prove to be correct. However, as Leggy says, it is effectively introducing an autoimmune disease and we have no way of knowing what the long term effects might be.

        In effect, the population is being treated as a massive experiment. Thanks, but no thanks, count me out.

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