Bye Bye Sainsburys

Despite my miserable experience working for Sainbsburys a few years back, my late wife continued to use them for shopping and I went along with this. Following her death I carried on using them.

That came to an end last spring when getting into the store meant queuing around the car park in the name of safety from the Covid scare. I simply drove away as I wasn’t playing that game.

I switched to the local Co Op. Then when I had to isolate for a couple of weeks prior to a hospital appointment, I switched to Tesco as I needed home delivery and they were the only retailer with slots available. I’ve been using them ever since.

While I might have been persuaded to return to Sainsbury’s following the current idiocy, any chance of that has now gone.

Recently we provided our black colleagues with a safe space to gather in response to The Black Lives Matters [sic] movement’. Of course, by ‘safe space’ for ‘black colleagues’ they simply mean no white people allowed. This is literal racial segregation taking place in a British workplace in 2020.

There are no circumstances where I will do business with a trader that engages in racial segregation. This is not negotiable.

That’s absolutely fine by me. Indeed, it’s not even a difficult decision. I don’t do business with racists.



    • It is pretty staggering. Go elsewhere if you don’t like it. I’m not sure that has official sanction. I suspect someone on the Twatter desk went a bit rogue.

      • Difficult to believe this was authorised from the top; and yet, Sainsburys has been going downhill for a long time now.
        They were doing very well forty years ago but growth meant going downmarket, Waitrose took their place at the top end. (and now JL/Waitrose seem to be going downhill too)

        Anyway I stopped being regular Sainsburys customer twenty years ago when they were no longer on the route between work and home. I now prefer Morrisons to Waitrose though I haven”t shopped there since March; the local independent supermarket is off my list having been rather too insistent on muzzles, so my shopping is now split between Lidl and the Village Shop.

  1. I don’t think that I have ever shopped at Sainsbury’s, I sure there must be some in my area but I don’t know where they are. I have been to Argos from time to time but not for ages, we buy all our stuff from Amazon these days. They aren’t going to notice if I don’t shop with them but hopefully they will take enough of a hit from regular customers for them to notice that. I wonder if they consulted any black people before they decided that they needed these safe spaces away from white people?

  2. So they have a colour chart to judge the blackness?
    “Sorry dear your albido is a bit high. No, it not the bright lights.”

  3. Thanks for bringing to attention. FH & Ackad also on Steve Baker MP supporting BLM

    Sainsburys? Haven’t been in one for years and even then it was only when they sent annual Free Birthday Gift which stopped.

    Something in me didn’t like them compared to others, not fond of Co-Op either. A gut dislike I can’t explain

    Suffice to say, I don’t shop there. Now I won’t shop there

    Peter Hitchens today on duplicitous politicians and Hancock’s lies

  4. Likewise I can’t boycott Sainsbury’s because I’ve not been there for years.
    I get most of my essentials, booze, fags and food, from a great little convenience store just down the road.

    Just as well I no longer post letters, saw somewhere that the Post Office have painted some post boxes black so BAME folk can send their mail safely.

  5. Haven’t seen this in Ireland, but we’re less corporate, less capital centred over here. The stores are used to catering to local populations, not minorities. Once you get out of Dublin it’s a totally different world.

  6. The first week of this idiocy as we emerged from winter (and going back into winter with even more idiocy) i found myself in an industrial estate in Coventry on the Friday, and driving past a queue of people with shopping trolleys, strange.

    That queue disappeared off around a huge building, turned left at the roundabout and along to the traffic lights, then it dawned on me, that queue was from Sainsbury’s entrance, around the car park, and right round the building till it eventually ended up away in the industrial estate.

    Utter lunacy, i have yet to queue to enter a supermarket, i only use Morrisons or sometimes Lidl because they’ve stayed quite sane in comparison to the other large supermarkets during this time, i’ve yet to wear a mask doing the weekly shop and so far only seen two other customers without masks.
    This unquestioning mask compliance is worrying, just what else will the great unwashed agree to submit to over the next few years as this bollocks is bound to be dragged out.

    I just wish other customers would take courage from the odd dissident and dump their pointless face coverings in the bin

    I don’t like shopping in Sains anyway, compared to the usually cheerful friendly staff at Morrisons i find them a bit miserable, but if the management are woke or daft enough to come up with their own method of racial segregation, then its understandable, would cracking a smile be frowned upon.

    Morrisons staff, so far till staff generally without masks, i get the feeling are happy to see someone’s cheerful face even if its my ugly mug, because if anything they’ve been more amenable towards me than before.

    • As I mentioned, I spent a year stacking shelves in Sainsbury’s when I came back from France. I needed something while I got back on my feet. The working conditions are dreadful. On the one hand, you are on the clock all the time. The computer says how much you must do by a given time and it is impossible to meet. So constant nagging and being hauled before the supervisor for not working fast enough. All for a pitiful salary that was only just above minimum wage due to shift allowances.

      On top of this there was the constant barrage of idiocy along the lines of patronising colleague activities, Red Nose Day dressing up or doing some stupid activity for Sport Relief. They tried to make out that they cared about you when the reality was, they didn’t give a shit.

      Just one example of what an employee at Sainsbury’s can expect.

      • Ye gods, team building box ticking corporate bollocks.

        Thankfully i work for a company over 130 years old, still family owned now very large and resolutely still growing and still doggedly refusing to infantilise its staff, still placing huge emphasis on old fashioned and family values, the more i hear about these other companies steeped in woke right on rubbish the more grateful i am to work where i do, wouldn’t last at day at woke inc.

  7. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Longrider. They will have no more business from me.

    • Nor me. I marched against the sort of racialists who wanted segregation in Britain. Never thought I’d see such disgraceful segregation coming from the Left, which is plainly where this new Jim Crow style Sainsbury idea has come from.

  8. Team building cack was just one of the reasons that I moved my retirement forward two years. I always said that I would go as soon as I could afford it anyway but this kind of nonsense gave me more of an incentive to go. I’d worked there for 35 years and it wasn’t always bad. New management with their buzzwords and a tendency to employ and promote their mates along with an amusing ineptitude when it came to recruitment meant that it became a rather unpleasant place to work.

  9. I think that Sainsbury’s should make a small addition to their “safe-space” signage.
    In Afrikaans.
    “Slegs vir nie blankes.”
    Like they had all over South Africa during the Apartheid years.

    • Dear Mr Brown

      That’s probably too inclusive for their ‘safe space’. Mr Google translates that as: ‘Only for non whites’, so presumably Chinese could go there.

      Mr Sainsbury seems very specific: “Recently we provided our black colleagues with a safe space to gather in response to The Black Lives Matters movement.” So no brown, red or yellow people then?


  10. Snigger
    Sainsburys Backfires – When Will They Learn?
    Virtue signalling almost never ends well. First Ben & Jerry’s, next Sainsburys and yesterday Pure Gym

    O/T New ONS Gov official figures … MSM News Won’t Report

    Good message, but % numbers presented without context again which could make people more scared
    “Yesterday 2.2% died of Covid-19” – bedwetters will see 2.2% of population
    Anyone on twitter up to educating Alex?

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