Once Again, I’ll Pass

This time it’s the NHS app.

A trial of the English coronavirus app is getting under way.

It will be limited to residents in the Isle of Wight, the London Borough of Newham and NHS volunteer responders to begin with.

The app will be available in Apple and Google’s online stores, but users will need to enter a code to activate it.

The software will tell users to self-isolate for a fortnight if the app detects they have been close to someone else diagnosed with the virus.

Baroness Dido Harding – who heads up the wider Test and Trace initiative – had earlier voiced concern about implementing the automated contact-tracing feature because of fears many people who had been falsely flagged might be told to go into quarantine.

That last bit is why. I get an alert, yet may not actually have contracted the virus, but have to cancel two weeks work – again. Fuck that. This virus is doing what all of its predecessors have done and what I was predicting months ago – it’s fizzling out. Cases are getting milder as evolutionary pressure does its thing.

The likelihood of dying from it is remote. Less than 1%. We are not dealing with the Black Death here and I will not be scared back into a self-imposed lock-down again.

While I managed to survive the loss of income, I need to work. I will not install this app on my phone and I’ll be damned if I go into isolation again. The one I endured before, prior to my hospital appointment was a farce. So, no, fuck ’em.

The developers acknowledge there are still issues with measuring the distance between handsets, meaning some people will be incorrectly logged as being at high risk.

We are governed by cretins.


  1. The BBC said the app trial would take place on the IOW and an ‘undisclosed’ other location.
    You bad Longrider disclosing Newham.

    Judging by the pathetic level of interest at our local coronovirus testing station (20 shows per day, mostly sent by their employers) only those who want to skip work would want to download their poxy app.

    Most elderly people are still of the opion that the lurgy should have been allowed to run it’s course as usual and the young will not want their lives disrupted yet again for a virus that will not affect them much even if they do get it.

    • Forgot to add. If Health Passport App is the endgame plan you should really look into it. Scary as fuck imho.

  2. I’m having bugger all to do with this app as well. Signing up for it would be stupid as it would just give me a shedload of false alerts about a disease that I suspect that my wife and I have already contracted back in February from Khan’s mobile Petri dish aka The Tube and which kills relatively few.

  3. As my 16-year old son wryly put it, “a disease so deadly that you need a test to find out whether you’ve got it or not”.

  4. I can’t see how this thing can possibly work. The number of contacts increases exponentially when you consider your contact’s contacts and your contact’s contact’s contacts. It doesn’t have to go through many stages before you get to several million people surely. Are you going to quarantine all of them?

  5. Governed by cretind is absolutely right. What a disappointment they are. We are rapidly turning into a police state.

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