1. I thought sargon had put that together but, unbelievably, its real. Pile of garbage propaganda)

  2. With Sok here. I thought this was a spoof when I first saw it. No need to add to Sargon’s response.

    Is this what the London-centric psychotic haters of Britain are reduced to? What further depths do they have to plumb?

  3. I think someone pointed out that the original ‘You clap for me now’ video is pure propaganda and the participants are actors, not real health care workers at all. Too chosen, too photogenic.

    It’s as nasty a piece of racism as one would care to come across.

  4. @sok & Mark

    Sargon & PJW rarely do spoofs, when they do it’s made clear it’s a spoof

    – Katie Hopkins trashes you clap for me advert, filled with racism to NHS white staff and funded by UN/WHO to seed division in UK

    – You Clap For Me Now, Bigot – lengthy, but informative

    – You Clap For Me Now – No I Bloody Well Don’t

    – Forceful attack

    It’s chilling to think that this & worshipping Greta is what these sulky, resentful people are feeling when they’re supposed to be taking care of their patients

    Official video was getting hammered, they turned the comments Off. CiF Speaks volumes that The Guardian have comments turned off on this. When they do that you know they lost

    This clapping: It’s what communist states like North Korea do

    • Sorry, maybe I should have said hoped it was a spoof.

      Its self hating “progressive” whites behind this. I would give serious money to get inside the head of one of these people, even for five minutes.

      It’s the scorpion and the frog. “Sorry, it’s my nature”. Why is it their nature? How do you get to be SO totally consumed by hate?

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