Down the Rabbit Hole

Yes, seriously

A new study which found that only 3 per cent of heterosexuals were willing to date a transgender person proves society has a problem with “transprejudice” and must be re-educated, according to its author.

Re-educated, huh? Where have we heard that one before? Okay, there is a simple explanation for this phenomenon. Transitioning does not change biology. It is glorified plastic surgery. The chromosomes that determine sex remain the same. In a male to female transwoman, there is also the matter of child-bearing hips or the lack thereof (dead giveaway if you haven’t already noticed the jaw line and brow ridges). Given my experience would I date a transwoman? No, because I am not homosexual. My sexual preference is for women. A transwoman, is not and never will be a biological woman. Yeah, I know, I’m going straight to the gulag for hate speech. However, what I’ve just pointed out is factual reality. But this is a problem these days. We are no longer expected to be tolerant and accepting, we must be re-educated and harangued into dating people against our sexual preferences.

The study found that only 3.1 per cent of heterosexuals were willing to date a trans person compared to 55 per cent of people “with queer or bisexual sexual orientations”.

According to its author Karen L. Blair Ph.D., the results showed that many heterosexuals rejected dating trans people because they thought they had “make believe” identities and that this is a form of “transprejudice”.

Okay, for the benefit of Ms Blair – transitioning and GRS will never change someone’s sex. It changes their appearance and may help them to express an outward appearance that matches what is going on in their head. For some, it will be a solution. However, sexual orientation will remain the same. Now, let’s turn this around – would you expect a homosexual person to change their sexuality? If not, why not? Surely they can be re-educated? Oh, I see, that’s just wrong! But expecting a heterosexual person to change their orientation though re-education (conversion therapy), well, that’s just dandy.

“These types of responses questioned the legitimacy of transgender and non-binary identities and took a very dehumanizing tone in referring to trans people,” writes Blair, noting that even people who rejected trans partners because they “mentioned a desire to only date people with whom they could have biologically related children” did so “using dehumanizing language, such as saying that a trans man “was not a natural man” or a “real man”.

It is not dehumanizing, it is recognising a cold, hard fact. And, yes, most couples do wish to have biological children. It is how the species propagates itself after all. It’s biology.

Blair said that such “dehumanization” and “transprejudice” could be combated with more “education about the diversity of gender identities” and by increasing “accurate media representations of trans and non-binary people”.

No amount of education can change someone’s sexuality. If you are heterosexual, you are attracted to the opposite sex. A transperson is not the opposite sex. Sorry to bring reality into it, but they aren’t. There are men called admirers who are attracted to transwomen. However, there is a problem here if you are a transwoman who is heterosexual, because you will not be attracted to them – not being homosexual. Sometimes it all sounds complicated, but really, it isn’t. Being trans means that your head is telling you that you should be the opposite sex. Transitioning may change the outer appearance but what it doesn’t do is change who you are attracted to because it has no effect on sexuality.

A man who transitions to a woman is likely to be attracted to women as before. If those women are heterosexual, they are going to want a man who looks like a man because they are not homosexual. A lesbian might think differently though, so you never know… However, a heterosexual man is unlikely to be attracted to a transwoman unless he is an admirer. Oddly, admirers don’t consider themselves as homosexual, but are attracted to men dressed as women even if they have not transitioned. I told you it all sounds a bit, well, complicated.

But… But… But… Who we find attractive is something deep within us. No amount of re-education is going to change that. Just as gay conversion therapy is codswallop, so is hetero re-education.

The author notes that the same type of “prejudice” doesn’t exist when it comes to dating people of a different race.

Did she really say something this stupid? Really?

Some transgender commentators have previously asserted that it is bigoted for heterosexuals to choose not to date transgenders.

So normal human attraction and sexuality is bigoted now. Lesbians who won’t date straight men are bigoted by this measure.

Is this really something that can be changed with enough re-education and social engineering, or is it a completely normal preference to hold?

How do you respond to such rampant stupidity?


  1. ” Yeah, I know, I’m going straight to the gulag for hate speech. However, what I’ve just pointed out is factual reality.”

    “Eppur si muove”

  2. So 3% of the population are closet queers then. They just don’t want to come out and declare it. That sound about the right percentage.

  3. Only 55% of bisexual people (I would have thought the least likely demographic to care whether a potential partner is male or female) would date a transsexual but they get no flak at all and apparently no mandated reeducation.
    My inclination is to think that sensible bisexual people are no more inclined to want to have much to do with crazy people and/or those who have messed up their body than anyone else. (and plenty are saying they would date trans simply because they think they ought to say that)

  4. Why is everything so bleedin complicated now.
    We fancy who we fancy, we are not attracted sexually to those who we don’t fancy, it ain’t bloody rocket science.

    • Indeed. The comments on the linked article are without exception as scathing as mine. And for precisely that reason. Who the fuck does this woman think she is, peddling hetero conversion therapy because we won’t date according to her prejudices.

  5. The logical conclusion of this daft bints argument is that all those incel guys who can’t get laid can demand that women be ‘re-educated’ to have sex with them.

    But let me guess, thats different because reasons right?

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