Quite Right, Too

Amazon has told this offendatron to fuck off.

An angry vegan has hit out at Amazon for selling a dashboard toy where a pig carves open its own belly.

Javid Ahmed has branded the item ‘sickening’ and is calling on the online retail giant to remove the product.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where these extremists think they can impose their ideology on others. Slicey the Pig is plastic. Therefore no real animals were hurt. But no, Ahmed isn’t satisfied:

He said: ‘Slicey the Pig promotes animal cruelty, sends out the wrong message that animals are objects and have no desire to live, and teaches people it is okay to accept animal suffering, according to the animal activist.’

Mr Ahmed, who believes slaughtering animals is a form of ‘terrorism’, said: ‘I first saw the toy on somebody else’s dashboard in a car then I saw it online.

It’s a fucking dashboard toy. Not one I would want on my dashboard, but then, I exercise my freedom not to buy one. Unlike Mr Ahmed, I have no plans to enforce my distaste on others.

‘It is pretty distasteful. If you put a human being in that position everybody would say how inappropriate it is.

‘If there was a toy going round with someone chopping themselves up there would be a lot of outrage.

Because, of course, outrage is the in thing these days. What this kind of thing deserves is a disinterested shrug.

‘It represents animals as toys and commodities like TV sets or phones and sends out the wrong message. I would say it is sending out a message that it is okay to harm animals.

‘This kind of thing happens to animals every day. It is inappropriate and not okay to depict it like that.

‘When I first saw the toy I was sickened. I thought it was terrible. It shows the extent of brutality towards animals.’

Nope. It’s a fucking dashboard toy. If you don’t like it, don’t buy one.

The IT consultant, who has now boycotted Amazon as a ‘last resort’, said he has been told twice that the product will not be removed and has taken to emailing CEO Jeff Bezos.

I’m sure that Amazon are devastated at the boycott. I know I would be.

The 46-year-old said: ‘Somebody from Amazon called me and said they were not going to do anything about it.

Good. A robust refusal is precisely how to deal with these single issue obsessives. Tell ’em firmly to fuck off.

‘I updated the petition with Jeff Bezos’s details and sent him several emails but never heard anything back.’

No one can hear you scream in the SPAM bin.

The vegan, who runs a Facebook group Protecting Animals Worldwide, said his next move is to distribute leaflets across London to make people aware that Amazon is selling such a product.

Yawn. The likely outcome is that people will buy one out of curiosity – those that don’t simply bin the leaflets or avoid him in the same way as we avoid the religious nuts or the chuggers on the High Street.

He said: ‘People will just laugh (at the toy) because it is how they were brought up. They do not understand the cruelty behind it.

It’s a fucking plastic toy, for fuck’s sake.

‘Slaughtering animals is a form of terrorism. They are taken to a slaughterhouse and do not know where they are going and what the outcome will be. I would compare that to a terror attack.

Sigh… If this twat had any credibility – okay, bear with me here – then he just lost it.

The petition has gained widespread support online with one petitioner describing Slicey the Pig as an ‘object of torture’ while another said it was ‘demented’.

A few twats on Twitter is hardly widespread support. Most rational people will see this and think to themselves that Ahmed is a demented fuckwit and they would be correct.


  1. It’s getting ludicrous, isn’t it? If you can’t find anything that actually merits complaint and outrage, focus on a silly plastic toy. Which I doubt is a best-seller, anyway. So why the over-hyped fuss?

  2. With a name of Ahmed, I would think this complainant is from the religion where it is acceptable to have sex with a lamb, sheep, or goat if there is no female sex slave or shaggable boy available. Yet a plastic toy pig is disgusting. The mind boggles.

          • Dont worry I have contacted mediatemple.net a shutdown of your domain is being arranged as you sitting behind a wall, you have no clue what animals suffer and on here. Your all just a bunch if inbred redneck hillbillies turds.

            am sure you mums and dads that bastards they are all inbred terrorists also no go fuck yourself you cunt

            This view will often lead on to ‘I respect your choice to be vegan, so you should respect my choice to eat meat’.
            There are a couple of problems here:
            The ‘personal choice’ statement is literally meaningless.
            Aren’t all actions we take a personal choice? If you, as an individual, make the decision to do something you have made a personal choice. The fact that it is ‘personal’ has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it’s ethical.
            Going on holiday? You made a personal choice.
            Going to stop eating meat? You made a personal choice.
            Want to eat meat every day? You made a personal choice.
            Decided to punch someone in the face? You made a personal choice.
            Decided you’re going to rape someone? You made a personal choice.
            When it comes to morality, whether or not an action is someone’s personal choice has no impact on whether it’sright or wrong.
            Because in reality…
            No choice that (negatively) affects others can ever be considered ‘personal’.
            When you make a deliberate, conscious decision that hurts, kills or causes the suffering of others, it immediately ceases to be personal only to you. When eating meat and other animal products results in the loss of the lives of others how can such choices ever be considered personal? As soon as you pay someone to take a life on your behalf, both the person doing the killing and the animal being killed have clearly become involved in the choice you have made.
            We can see this at work easily by putting ourselves in the position of the victim rather than looking at it from our privileged point of view. Imagine someone has you restrained and wishes to kill you. Would you respect their personal choice to do so? Would you respect those who failed to help you because they respect your tormentors’ ‘personal choice’ to inflict harm upon you? The answer of course is no, and because animals share the exact same desire to live as you or I, we should offer them the very same consideration we would hope to be given ourselves.

          • Yawn. Heard it all before. It was nonsense then, it’s nonsense now.
            So your reaction to a dissenting voice is to get them shut down? What a nasty little fascist you are.

  3. Same reply as on JuliaM’s blog:

    Paul Pawlowsk, grow up. Horrific is Belsen, ISIS, IRA, Communism etc

    The “horrifying item”: http://oi64.tinypic.com/2qwj42a.jpg

    A ~1960s toy is not horrifying – it doesn’t kill or mutilate [unlike RoPs]. History is what it was, live with it.

  4. Given that the fact that he’s a vegan – mentioned no less than 6 times in the article – one wonders what he’s feeding his poor cat (3rd picture.)

    If it’s meat, then he can fuck off with this “poor slaughtered animals – it’s terrorism donchaknow?”

    If he’s forcing it to also eat a vegan diet (given cats are obligate carnivores,) then he can fuck off instead.

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