Sunday Funnies

H/T to Julia for the title.

I’ve just had a drive-by trolling left that I thought I’d share. I’ve deleted it from the comments as it has no bearing on the post to which it was left – and frankly has no bearing on any post of mine. However, such is the delicious seam of pure idiocy from “Paul Taylor (my real name)” that I publish his comment below –  interspersed with my responses.


a friend of mine whom I diagree with gave me your website as apparently it contained some sort of proof about how common terrorist training exercises were

I suspect that we are talking about emergency planning and London Resilience. Of course they are common. It would be foolish not to prepare.

According to you its the norm to have terror training exercises

See above. But, then, having been involved in such activities during my Network Rail days, what would I know? The tinfoil hatters always know best, eh?

anyway your website is a load of total bollocks ( apart from the cat’s)

So don’t read it, then. And cats doesn’t have an apostrophe as it is a plural noun, not a possessive one. Cats’ on the other hand is both and “it’s” is a contraction of “it is”, whereas “its” is possessive –  mixing them up makes you appear semi-literate. For a not inconsiderable fee, I’ll be happy to provide help with your written English. Maybe we can make a start with capitalisation and punctuation?

Also I notice you like to blame Muslims for 7/7 and 9/11 terrorism

As opposed to the Scientologists, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus or Jehovah’s Witnesses, presumably?

Would you not think it honourable to inform people that you are Jewish

Last time I checked, I still have an intact foreskin, so I think not.

The vast majority of anti Muslim blogging is done either by Jews or people with Jewish links

If you hadn’t come to the conclusion that “Paul Taylor (my real name)” is a fruitcake of epic proportions by this point, you most certainly have now. He presumably believes that George Bush masterminded 9/11. Well, him or those dastardly jooos.

anyway your website is tosh

See above. Oh, and while you are at it, you might want to take an evening class in English language and you might want to look up the meaning of anti-Semitism too, there’s a good chap.


Update: Just received an email from this twat accusing me again of being a joooo (oh, and a Zionist FFS!). Any remaining shreds of credibility this cretin may have had at this point (and that’s moot) are now blowing in the wind. Clearly a conspiraloon.


Update: It looks as if he has form. It didn’t take long for the folks on the forum to decide that he is a “nutter”. In his introduction he calls himself a British 911 researcher –  a euphemism for fantasist. And, yes he does believe that 9/11 and 7/7 were inside jobs. Twat.


  1. Yeah, that was my immediate reaction. His subsequent email merely confirms that original impression. The bloke has passed the parody event horizon – a walking cliché of the conspiraloon anti-Semite.

  2. “The vast majority of anti Muslim blogging is done either by Jews or people with Jewish links”

    To fruitcakes like these I probably qualify for ‘Jewish links’ because last time I was in M&S, I picked up some gefilte fish balls for a chap in the office who likes them & couldn’t go out that day because he had a meeting…

  3. I think my £10 is quite safe 😀 Actually this troll isn’t very good. Having received a kicking, he’s disappeared. Shame, I was just starting to enjoy myself.

  4. Only slight quibble – since being a Jew is not a crime,at least not yet anyway, how can he “accuse” you of it?

    Granted that the guy is clearly a fucking idiot, it’s not as if he accused you of being a paedophile (or possibly a bestiologist, given the cat porn)… I am just curious at the use of the word “accuse”… no offence, honest

    I’m an admirer of your blog

  5. That thought went through my mind as I was writing it, but I’m not sure what other word would have sufficed. Alleged, perhaps, but even that has negative connotations.

    Mulling it over, he was making an accusation, because in his (tiny) mind, being a Jew is a crime…

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