Oh, Do….

Go fuck yourself.

But last week, a traditional British institution did exactly that. Members of the Church of England synod backed a motion to apologise for racism, and to “stamp out conscious or unconscious” racism – with the archbishop of Canterbury conceding that the church is “still deeply institutionally racist”.

This ridiculous paragraph pretty much sums up another example of anti-white racism being peddled in the Guardian. There is no such thing as institutional racism. It’s manufactured cockwaffle.

It is okay to be white. We do not need to apologise for it and being white does not make us racist and we do not need to be constantly thinking about race. The only people who do that are the authors of nasty racist articles such as the one linked. In reality, ordinary people just get on with life.

As Laurence Fox pointed out a few weeks ago, Britain is one of the most (if not the most) tolerant countries on the planet. No one gives a damn about skin colour (apart from a very small minority). No one cares what god you worship. All we care about is that you are a decent human being. That’s it. Only in the race-baiting pages of the Groan and the SJW twatterati will you find racism. They are the racists, not us.

So, again, it is okay to be white. It is okay to be black, it is okay to be Chinese and so on…


  1. I don’t know about anybody else, but I am getting angrier and angrier over this remorseless anti-white hatred. More than that, it’s the disgusting hate filled racists – lammy, Abbott, the BBC, “spokespersons”, “professors” of “black studies” and “universities”.

    Then there is the fantasy “diverse” world of the BBC and advertising where it seems the country is already minority white (but everybody non-white is a white stereotype, living the perfect white middle class life).

    They just can’t stop!

    I just feel there is an ugly backlash coming.

    • I totally agree Mark. I’m getting so angry over this. Just as well i’m not a violent man. If a backlash comes Lammy et al will suffer.

    • Lammy, Abbott and the like are just trying the same old scam of race baiting that has worked so well in the US for Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson et al.

      How else would people as stupid and ignorant get a nice cushy job as an MP without their race baiting antics?

  2. For what it’s worth, I enjoy watching the Laura Towler vids on youtube. She’s heavy on the Yorksheh, but a dear lady and a kindred spirit to Longrider.

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