Mankey Justice

You may – or may not – have seen this story this past few days. On the face of it, it’s fairly straightforward. An entitled SJW thought that her behaviour was sufficiently righteous that it wouldn’t carry any consequences. Unfortunately for her, she was blown up by her own weapon of choice – Doxxing and trying to get someone fired. Now, your immediate response may well be the same as mine – tough shit, suck it up. And for the most part, that is still my feeling on the matter.

But there’s a niggling worry here. It is the same worry that has bothered me every time an SJW Twitter mob has bombarded someone’s employer following wrongthink in the Internet and managed to get them fired. Another tactic has been to hound spouses and their employers. I seem to recall just such a case in recent months – but I cannot recall the details. By all means put it in the comments if you can remember it. However, conservatives have been doing that here. Again, it bothers me. Sure, as they have discovered, Mankey’s spouse is another obnoxious “Nazi hunter”, but he was not involved in this matter, so why should his employers be hassled over it?

It’s the going after employers that bothers me. Rebecca Parker-Mankey’s employer found himself bombarded with phone calls and emails following the altercation – yet it was nothing to do with him. Despite this he received threats and intimidation. I do understand that sometimes out of work behaviour reflects on an employer and they see fit to terminate employment due to the employee bringing them into disrepute. However, Mankey wasn’t on duty – unlike the SJW in the vape shop at the turn of the year – and she was not wearing a uniform, so her employer was not immediately associated with her or her behaviour. That only happened after the event when people did to her, what she was planning to do to her victim.

Now, if the employer then decides – as this one did – that the behaviour has now affected his business and he no longer wishes to be associated with this individual, then so be it. But, in general, the employer should not be affected. Sure, I can understand those who feel that the behaviour of the SJW mob means that the gloves are off, so all is fair in this war. And the justice here was, indeed, poetic as much as it was swift. Live by the sword and die by it after discovering that it is a double-edged one. But it really wasn’t anything to do with Gryphon Strings. Indeed, the business that was directly affected was Starbucks, and the manager of that outlet should have intervened – kicking her out if necessary for being a nuisance.

So, I have mixed feelings. No, not sympathy for Mankey – she can suck it up, for she is the fascist here. But that worrying concern that this going after people’s employers is getting out of hand.

The victim of the verbal assault tends to feel that she shouldn’t have lost her job. So, not a Nazi, then…


  1. Once I’d have agreed on principle.

    But then it became apparent that these people have no principles and will notstop of their own accord. So they must be stopped.

    When you have a vermin problem, the normal rules of hunting sportsmanship go out the window and everything’s in play – traps, poison, etc.

    We’ve been hunting them too long. Time to do predator control.

    • Yes, I get that. And Amy in the linked twitter feed is saying much the same. My qualms are about how this all started in the first place and that employers are getting dragged in. Gryphon Strings hadn’t done anything wrong, but they got the full blast nonetheless.

    • +1 for Julia’s comment.

      Let’s extend your principle to Hitler and Nazi Germany. Would have “being nice” and not stooping to their level been successful in terminating their activities? Hardly. The left are playing by a different set of rules than the sensible, moderate, right leaning people. It would be like playing cricket and standing at the far stumps, holding the bat between thumb and index finger and asking “Middle stump, please” while the opposition is setting up a .50 calibre belt fed machine gun at the opposite wicket.

      As far as I can see, over my lifetime playing nice has barely slowed down the tide of the left advance. They have not compromised on their demands or beliefs whereas we have retreated, retreated and retreated again until our backs are against the wall. Time to punch back and hard.

  2. Sadly I have to agree with JuliaM. Nice, polite, respectful doesn’t work as it has been weaponised by the left. I agree with you that I don’t like the Employer harassment, or indeed the Mankey harassment. In an ideal, decent world, we could allow free speech, agree to disagree, and go our own ways. But the left won’t let that happen. So, alas, it’s a culture war, and the only way is get anywhere is to hit back just as hard, so that they realise there are consequences.

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