Worthy of Pravda

When I was growing up in the sixties and seventies, free speech was something we valued. This was because we had read volumes such as 1984 and Animal Farm and could look across Europe and see the Eastern Bloc governed by the Soviet Union and we could see for ourselves just how valuable such things as personal liberty and freedom of speech were.

Not any more, it seems. Now we have blasphemy laws coming in by the back door via hate speech legislation and those who are of a liberal bent – and I mean liberal in the dictionary sense, not the highly illiberal leftists that the American usage refers to – genuine liberals, people who believe in the principles so necessary for individual liberty and especially free speech – are under attack by those very forces we thought defeated when the Soviet Bloc collapsed.

Sargon of Akkad – aka Carl Benjamin is one of those people. What is interesting here is that I have listened to what Benjamin has to say and he is pretty much spot on in what he says. In the wake of the Christchurch killings, he identifies correctly that contrary to the memes put out by the mainstream press, the radicalisation here was not as straightforward as “far right radicalisation”, that there were other influences and some of those influences were based in reality. This is bad think. And the Guardian’s political correspondent, Peter Walker, has written a smear piece to tell us just that.

If you read this pile of unmitigated bullshit, you will see that it is short on fact and long on allusion and innuendo. He uses the classic propagandist’s tools to take quotes out of context and allow that lack of context to plant a seed in the reader’s mind. Where he does use facts, these again are presented in such a way as to ignore the context. So, yes, Benjamin has been kicked off Patreon and Twatter. We know this. We also know why – because the Soy boys who run Silicon Valley are, like the leftists at the Groan, determined to silence voices they find inconvenient. In the case of Patreon, he used the word “nigger” when attacking some alt-right activists on another platform some ten months previously, so did not even breach Patreon’s own terms of service, but never mind – bad think wrong.

Indeed, bad think wrong is why Benjamin and Tommy Robinson have been deprived of these platforms, yet the people who actively advocated violence against the Covington Catholic teenagers were left alone and the tweets remained in place. Because of course, advocating violence against kids wearing MAGA hats is good think, so that’s alright then. The sheer hypocrisy is so staggering, they no longer try to conceal it. Indeed, these people have become so brazen with their propaganda that Uncle Joe Stalin would have been proud to have them on the team, so scathing are they of individual liberty and, especially of free speech.

As someone who has followed Sargon of Akkad, I am well aware that he is a centrist – a classical liberal (note how Walker uses scare quotes to describe him thus – arsehole!). Someone who advocates for free speech, for us to look more deeply into why radicalisation occurs. He is one of the good guys. In my youth, there would have been no doubt about this. We would have simply accepted that without question. Now, he is “far right”. However, like Tommy Robinson, he is not far right. Not even close. He is a centrist liberal. That the Guardian thinks that he is far right merely tells us just how radical and extreme they have become in their lurch towards fascism.

Peter Walker claims to be a political correspondent, yet presents us with an article that is fact-free, evidence lacking (Benjamin did not make any rape threats and Jess Philips has never presented evidence to back up her claim that she received 600 such threats in one night so we can discount this as hyperbole) smear piece. It is not a political article, it is… well, to use a term the leftists seem to like – hate speech.

Peter Walker really should take up a job stacking shelves in Sainsbury’s. Writing political analysis is beyond him.


  1. As the names of the main Communist newspaper and the main Soviet newspaper, Pravda and Izvestia, meant “the truth” and “the news” respectively, a popular saying was “there’s no truth in Pravda and no news in Izvestia”


    Pravda and Izvestia seem to have become the model for most of the Main Stream Media of today. Peter Walker would have been far better to provide a straight-forward Newspeak summary “Doubleplus ungood verging crimethink.”.

    Hang ’em all…

    • The interesting thing here is that having listened to what Sargon has said, I have my own eyes and ears to provide the evidence. And my own eyes and ears tell me that Walker is lying here. Indeed, so egregious is the lie, that nothing he says can be taken as the truth.

      Of course, this being the Guardian, that pretty much goes with the territory, but on this occasion, I have clear proof of the lie.

  2. I saw Carl interviewed by Dave Rubin on Youtube. One of the interesting things was their discussion of their politics. Both Dave and Carl and Jordan Petersen were accused of being alt-right, homophobic racists etc etc etc. So Dave asked, OK, I started out as a lefty, so did you, so lets do a quick and dirty political test;

    1. Gay marriage, for or against? Answer by both Dave and Carl: For (Dave is a happily married gay man BTW)
    2. Abortion? Both reluctantly for.
    3. Racism? Both against/don’t care/individual judged as individual, not group identity.
    4. Social programs etc., Carl is pro NHS!
    5. Capital punishment? Both against.

    Yeah, great example of Alt right/white nationalist/conservative homophobes! (not)

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