Arsehole of the Day

Jeremy Corbyn.

Okay, to be fair, this shit-for-brains could win this one every day. But this is a peach…

Jeremy Corbyn has called for companies to end after-work drinks events because they “discriminate against mothers”.

The opposition leader said the culture of work socialising “benefits men who don’t feel the need to be at home looking after their children and it discriminates against women who will want to, obviously, look after the children that they have got”.

In what version of reality is what people do after work any business of his? Fuck me, these people really do want to micromanage our lives. A resounding “fuck off and mind your own business” is the only valid response to this nasty piece of authoritarian thinking. He can stick his wimmin only shortlists where the sun don’t shine as well. You do not solve discrimination by using more discrimination. Any appointment should be on merit and merit alone, not the sex or race of the prospective candidates

Odd, isn’t it, that the Tories managed to achieve what Labour never has (twice), despite the latter’s discriminatory polices.

Just sayin’…


  1. The only time that the firm that I work for has an after work drink event is on the last day before we break up for Christmas. I don’t go because I prefer to go home to my family rather than spend my time with people that I have nothing in common with. I should mention at this point that I am male as Stonyground is sort of gender neutral. Does this halfwit really think that all the men are going on these events because they don’t care about their kids and the poor women are being excluded because they do? What century does he imagine he is living in, the nineteenth? Also, as you so rightly point out, what we do in our own time, and whom we choose to socialise with, is absolutely non of his business. I don’t suppose the idiot has worked out how he will implement his ban, or how it will be enforced, or what the unintended consequences might be.

  2. Yet another endorsement of my good judgement in moving out of UK 15 years ago. (I say that in all modesty). One could suggest that non-working mums should be denied their coffee mornings because it discriminates against their husbands who have to be in the office (or whatever) when they would prefer to be home with the family. Complete idiocy.

    As you rightly say, it’s absolutely none of his, nor anybody else’s business what anybody wants to do after work. Ye Gods, when, or where, is this all going to end?

    I look from afar at the madness (not that we don’t have madness here, albeit of a different sort, mainly economic), and count my blessings. Greece may be on the brink of an economic meltdown thanks to the incompetence and avarice of the political elite, but at least they keep out of our private lives. Political Correctness hasn’t yet impinged on the consciousness of the nation, and long may it remain so.

  3. I never go to after-work drink events (rare though they are) and I’m male too. I don’t decline to go because of any political correctness, I decline because I work with idiots.

    Filling me with tongue-loosening beverages around them could have serious consequences 😉

    The events Corbyn describes are arranged in advance so there is time to get a babysitter. There’s nothing he can do about the male employees spontaneously deciding on a bevvy on the way home, so he wants to ban the only events mothers have any chance of attending.

    The idiots I work with aren’t quite this idiotic.

  4. What is he on about? Very few Companies arrange after work drinks. Is he also going to ban the dockers, stevedores, labourers, miners, shipyard workers etc who stop off with their mates for a pint on the way home? Or is it only Company arranged drinks, probably for managers, who he has a small minded problem with?
    Tosser, it must be terrible to view everything in life through a monocular prism of judgmental hatred.

  5. Thanks for the boot up the arse, ie. an affable underdog can be a menace and not as normal as he appears. I’ve gone from a cautious Corbyn admirer to an opponent in 30 seconds. Cheers.

  6. “One of the early signs of dementia is living in the past.”

    Reading this made me think of Jethro Tull, do you think that I might have a problem?

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