British Blogging

Lorien has a lesson in online manners for the tobacco control industry.

Dick Puddlecote suggests that the IRA will love plain packaging. Tim is forthright on the matter.

Mark Wadsworth notes that some folk just don’t get the sunk cost fallacy.

Julia tackles identity politics and etymology.

Leg Iron reckons that the Sun has been trolling the feminists.

Yasmin Baruchi isn’t  surprised by the MCB’s response to Eric Pickles. Was anyone?

Left Foot Forward reflects on Labour’s bleak prospects north of the border. And, still north of the border, NO2ID advise that the identity register is rising zombie-like from the near dead in Scotland.

Meanwhile, north of the border again, Subrosa thinks we need better kids left to the planet.

Sunny discusses potential changes to the West’s counter terrorism strategy.

Brian Micklethwait reminds us that there are other messages besides Je suis Charlie.

Chris Snowdon is unsurprised by the latest health lobby statement.