British Blogging

This week, Charlie Hebdo is a hot topic and various folk have their take in it.

Al Jahom.


Counting Cats.

Harry’s Place.


MacHeath rounds it  off with a ditty.

And, on the broader topic of free speech, Sunny Hundal and Tim Worstall. As does Unity in the context of BBC editorial guidance and images of Mo.

Meanwhile Leg Iron tells us why he’s considering voting for Ukip.

A K Haart compares his grandson to Nick Clegg.

Left Foot Forward ponders Brexit.

Boiling Frog discusses leaders’ debates.

Dick Puddlecote on Labour’s latest nannying plans.

Kath discovers that an Englishman’s home is not his castle.

Chris Snowdon tells Ian Gilmore he can  leave the stage now as his job is done.




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