We Are All Deniers

In this case, health and obesity.  Once again, we hear obesity and overweight being conflated. Being a bit overweight does not mean someone is unhealthy. So those people who have decided that despite lies statistics peddled by the health fascists, they are healthy, are probably right. After all, a survey of a thousand people is statistically insignificant in a population of over sixty million. This is junk science being used to guilt trip us again. I’ll be ignoring it just as I ignore all the other codswallop being thrust at us by the control freaks in the public health lobby. There is no such thing as public health. There is my health, your health and other people’s health. Guess which one is any business of the charlatans in the health lobby…

So, having watched this bit of BBC propaganda on behalf of the parasites in the third  sector, I’ll eat what I like, drink what I like and live my life as I please. Am I healthy? Well, having reached my mid fifties and am still moderately slim, active and still breathing despite a lifetime’s inhaling second-hand smoke, yes, I’m healthy – as I could reasonably expect for my age. If not, that’s my lookout.


  1. Don’t forget that according to those BMI calculations practically everyone apart from the totally emaciated is classed as being overweight and you only have to be the tiniest bit chunky to be classed as obese. Of course if these interfering zealots limited their attentions to only those who really are dangerously overweight, they would have hardly anyone to persecute.

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