Junk Science Story of the Day

The decline in marriage is down to teh interwebs and free porn. Yes, really, these fuckwits dress this junk up as science and expect to be taken seriously as opposed to being laughed at.

Scientists studied trends in marriage and internet porn proliferation and said the increased availability and reduced cost of pornography on the internet had a “causal” effect on people deciding not to tie the knot.

Wow! Falling at the first hurdle. Correlation is not causation. Any fule no that.

“Traditionally, one of the reasons to enter into a marriage was sexual gratification. But as options for sexual gratification outside of marriage have grown, the need for a marriage to serve this function is diminishing,” the researchers said.

Riiiiightt, so we get married for lust – not love, companionship, mutual respect or anything like that, no the deal killer is lust. There’s no real answer to such deeply rooted misanthropy. And I’m not even going to try, as it deserves nothing more than scathing ridicule.

They noted that a “sizeable portion of the Internet” consisted of pornography and that it had seen a “rapid” rise in the same period as marriage had declined in popularity.

Sigh… Once more, shall we? Correlation is not causation.

The researchers modelled the behaviour of people deciding whether to get married, and noted:

“If a man can choose whether to get married at the beginning of the period, higher utility from marriage is required in order for the man to marry. Thus, cheaper pornography is unequivocally associated with lower marriage rates.”

Bollocks from start to finish. This isn’t research, it is opinion. And these morons have come to the conclusion that watching people have sex on a screen is a substitute for the real thing? Really? Cretins.

Overall “cheaper pornography makes it easier to stay single”, they concluded.

Then they are idiots, for there is no evidence to support what is nothing more than assertion. Presumably these people have never had real sex…

The researchers also noted that users of pornography were less likely to attend church, more likely to cheat on their partner, and more likely to either engage in or pay for sex work.

More risible nonsense. However, if it’s a choice between watching porn or listening to some wanker wittering about a mythical sky fairy and telling me how to live my life, I’ll take the porn every time.


  1. Corr! Elation. I loves the web. Only one problem; lots of recipes, no cook. You don’t get rid of them spiders’ webs neither. Nor the washing up. Thinking of hooking up with a person soon, just gotta get thru some horny links first. No laundrette nearby, bed linen crusty. Must find a woman. No chance, just look at me to smell me.

    Yes, I can follow their progression of logic. They are teenagers in a world of empowered females. Females who will dabble in lesbianism, females who might cry rape if your arm brushes her breasts. These are troubled boys and girls. Should get out more, or in.

  2. As a happily married nearly 65-yr old, I can only report from observation.
    I have seen several younger men who thought they were happily married, absolutely destroyed following a divorce:- even after being the innocent party, wife has upped & left with someone else, husband has to support errant wife who often gets the matrimonial home with new man installed, and husband has to pay for the rest of his life. Even if access to any children is granted, wife can ignore access notices seemingly with impunity.
    I have heard younger single men quoting such cases and expressing the idea that marriage is a mug’s game.
    And who can blame them?
    Yet another rent in the fabric of our society which can be attributed to the loony feminist movement…

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