British Blogging

Sarah on the latest climate of fear being peddled in Westminster.

Callum Hunter on the Pope and greed.

Chris Snowdon observes that plain packaging in Australia hasn’t reduced smoking. And on the subject of smoking, Lorien has trouble with bubbles and Frank Davis comments on the Brazilian smoking ban. Meanwhile Leggy reckons that the NHS is now a protection racket. Dick Puddlecote remarks on an e-cig turf war in Westminster.

Sunny Hundall on positive discrimination.

Stumbling and Mumbling on shrinking the state.

Subrosa asks why  Queenie is pulling up the drawbridge.

No2ID on biometrics in smartphones.

Kath is worried about Mohammed.

Unity reminds us yet again that he has an eye for detail and thorough analysis – this time charity and pregnancy care.

Big Brother Watch on medical records – yup, they are being shared with third parties.

The Pub Curmudgeon on smokespots.

The view from Cullingworth on why reducing landfill isn’t an EU conspiracy.

Biased BBC on, er, bias at the BBC. This time their reporting of ethnic minority violence. Meanwhile RAB finds them clueless.

Julia on Michelle Obama’s taste for hashtags.

A K Haart ponders letters and the intrusiveness of technology in writing.

Robert Sharp reckons MPs aren’t lazy selfish bastards.

Jackart  believes libertarians should join the Conservative party.