How Long…

Before he’s accused of racism?

Naeema Choudry, an employment lawyer at Eversheds, said: “Discrimination legislation applies in employment to more than just your employees.

“Under the Equality Act, there are provisions that make it unlawful for you to discriminate against people who are personally providing services on your behalf.”

Close enough, I guess. Thing is, we all discriminate. It is a necessary part of our lives. Every choice we make involves a degree of discrimination and this is no different. A bit of a bummer for those taxi drivers with brown skin who aren’t in the habit of grooming teenage girls, but that’s life. We all get discriminated against from time to time.

1 Comment

  1. Tell this to the Labour Party while asking them about all woman short lists…

    That’s sexual discrimination and it’s illegal. So how come nobody is shouting about it?

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