No, No, No!

Fuck off!

We need parties.

We do not need parties. Indeed, parties are a part of the problem – the so-called representatives end up representing their party to the detriment of the electorate whom they are supposed to be representing, So, no, we do not need parties. And if there is a huge gap in their finances, they go bust. Tough shit. No loss to anyone.

The alternative is nightmarish.

No, it isn’t. This is simply drivel from a man who lacks any form of imagination and cannot think outside the narrow confines of his own prejudices. The alternative would be an executive that is genuinely held to account and a parliament of genuine representatives who do not have to worry about party loyalty – their only loyalty being to the people who elected them. And, perhaps, a halt to the massive plethora of binge legislation and micromanagement of our lives by interfering busybodies who assume that a PPE at Oxbridge somehow gives them the authority to lecture us about the running of our lives.

The leaders’ pathetic search for cash to pay for their parties fuels the anti-politics mood and yet they need the money.

What utter fucking drivel. Who is this moron? The anti-politics mood is driven by a parliament of thieves and charlatans – irrespective of the party they represent – and irrespective of the party they represent, they all seek to steal our money and shaft us. We need political parties like we need a cleaver in the brain. Fuck off already!

Virtually every dark story in British politics over the last 30 years has a connection with the funding of politics, but without funding parties cannot function.

Then let them cease to function – sooner rather than later.

During John Major’s recent much-publicised speech on domestic politics, he put the case for state funding of parties.

Then he is an idiot, too. I support none of these parties. I object vigorously to having my money stolen from me and given to them – I despise them with every fibre of my being. I do not need them, I do not want them and I sure as hell do not want to be forced to fund the bastards.

Go fuck yourself with the rough end of a pineapple – sideways, you little shitbag.


  1. Oh, LR, why do you hold back so?
    Our entire so-called Parliamentary system is so vastly corrupt one knows not where to begin.
    Let us have Constituency primaries, where we can elect our own candidates. Let us ensure that our own constituency candidates represent the feelings and desires of their own constituents, not the ‘Party’ to which they belong.
    Let us also have the right of recall; should the chosen MP fail to represent the feelings and desires of those who voted for him/her then, with the backing of a certain percentage of registered voters, the MP should be called back to account to his/her constituents as to why he/she failed in their duty. And should they fail in this they should be removed and a new election called.

    • …candidates such as Will Straw, David Prescott, Emily Benn and, of course, Euan Blair.

      How lucky we are to live in an age where parliamentary democracy has superseded hereditary privilege!

  2. And, the alternative to “Right of Recall”
    A public announcement that: “the MP / Councillor for $CONSTITUENCY is unfit to hold public office, because of ….”
    Fall foul of the libel laws …..

  3. it’s all bollocks and they are all twats. Vote Guy Fawkes oops ok so he’s dead, well whomever can do the job of blowing up the scummy parasites that feed off decent folks. NOW that I would vote for!

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