Boiling Blood

Some days go by when nothing much happens an my blood pressure is pretty normal. Then you get several news stories following on from each other and I’m climbing the walls in rage at the gullibility, stupidity and mindless venality of mankind.

A shcool that insists children learn about Islam or be black-marked for the rest of their school career. (h/t Q/M).

Parents were ordered to send their children to a workshop on Islam or have them labelled  as racist for the rest of their  school career.

They were sent a letter warning that the primary school pupils would have a ‘racial discrimination note’ put on their records if they did not go.

Families were told to pay £5 per child for the Explore Islam trip next Wednesday to Staffordshire University, which would involve Year 4 and Year 6 children being shown Islamic artefacts.

There is so much that is so wrong here, it is difficult to know where to start. Firstly, Islam is a religious and a political and legal system. It is not and never was, a race. So, to suggest that parents who do not want to waste £5 for their child to be indoctrinated into believing that this is anything other than an evil, misogynistic cult are racists – and by association their progeny – is typical of the vile dhimmitude that has encompassed the morally bankrupt leftists in our midst. These quislings would sell us out to this evil ideology without a second thought of just how evil it is. If they lived in a Caliphate under Sharia law, they would find out pretty quickly, that as Kuffir, they are very much second class citizens (well, probably third class behind Muslim women) and would be treated us such – just ask the Coptic Christians in Egypt.

But, no, children whose parents object – reasonably – are to be labelled as racist, because the head teacher is either ignorant or wilfully dhimmi.

Then you get the old second-hand smoke is more dangerous than gamma radiation bollocks. So much so, that the Soviet Republic of California is taking extremes to extremes (h/t Leggy).

A California town has passed a smoking ban that city officials are calling the most stringent in the country.

The San Francisco town of San Rafael, a community of about 57,000 people, passed the ban, which prohibits lighting up in all duplex and multi-family residential units that share a common wall.

The law applies to both renters and owners and includes residences such as condos, co-ops, apartmentrs and any residence with three or more units.

Quite apart from the civil liberties issue – that is, one’s home is one’s own space and if you own it, your own property – and quite apart from the fact that a bit of burning leaf next door will not cause you any harm – oh, quite apart from all of that, they have passed a law that is effectively unenforceable without the one necessary component. The prodnose, the busybody, the snitch, the informant – the one thing these vile people thrive upon.

The Gestapo and the Stasi would have been proud.

Maybe QM and Leggy could do my blood pressure a favour and stop linking to the Mail…


  1. It looks like a parents revolt might have at least delayed the dhimmitude a bit, which, given the photos accompanying the article, they don’t look like your typical Guardian readers, means that no doubt someone will soon be denouncing them as white racist trash.

  2. As well as “educating” the head about Islam and race, the parents should simply demand that a similar workshop be organised for all other religions as well. Can’t have favouritism, can we?

  3. How about the following check-list or “Set of testable propositions”?

    1. No BigSkyFairy [insert preferred name here] is detectable.
    Not detectable directly, indirectly or as an emergent phenomenon.
    This is a testable proposition.
    Unless or until it is shown to be false, that there is no BigSkyFairy is the default/logical position
    2. All religions are blackmail, and are based on fear and superstition.
    Corollary: 2a ] Marxism is a religion.
    3. Prayer has no effect on third parties.
    Corollary: 3a ] There is no such thing as “Psi”.
    4. All religions kill, or enslave, or torture.
    Corollary: 4a ] The bigots are the true believers.

    Guaranteed to annoy all religious fuckwits – especially since its all true!

  4. Twenty years ago, my mother (with her usual prescience) advised me to ensure my children read the Koran (as we were allowed to spell it then) because, if they were to make their way in the society she saw coming, the knowledge might help them to avoid ever being deceived or misled over its content.

    The underlying problem here is, judging by the photo, one of a number of young and relatively inexperienced teachers appointed to headships thanks to a misguided over-reliance on management jargon and youthful ‘dynamism’ in the selection process – not to mention familiarity with (and subscription to) the current ideological fads.

    A brief trawl through recent headlines (ill-advised facebook entries, expenses fiddled for parties, badly-worded policies and poor staff relations) demonstrates how ill-equipped some of these younger heads are for the personal and professional demands of the profession.

    The letter could hardly be bettered as a textbook example of how not to deal with the objections of concerned parents.

    • Macheath,

      your comment “… a misguided over-reliance on management jargon and youthful ‘dynamism’ in the selection process – not to mention familiarity with (and subscription to) the current ideological fads….” is far too true generally to restrict it to the teaching profession: It is just as true for politicians, police, and just about any other public-sector workforce.

      When this comment is applied in conjunction with Pournelle’s Iron Law of Bureaucracy

      In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely.

      we can see what has got us into the unbelievable mess we’re in.

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