No, it Goes With “Yours”, not “Mine”, not “Ours”.

Hugh Grant is the latest fucking idiot to use the Royal “we” when he means “me”.

Hugh Grant has urged Britain to reintroduce National Service, saying:  ‘It goes with our personality. It suits us.’

Speak for yourself. And only yourself. You like the idea of state sanctioned slavery for young people. It might well be in your personality. For many of us – probably the majority – the idea of state sanctioned slavery is an anathema. That is because we and I mean we here, are appalled by such a morally reprehensible concept.

So, just fuck off telling us what we think, because we think you are an arsehole. Well, I certainly do…

Via Timmy.


  1. At one time I supported the idea of National Service but recently I watched Lads Army posted on you tube and I was appalled, the sort of bullying psychology to form the minds of the young men into servile unquestioning drones was very blatant and these young men had volunteered for a T.V. program! they had a big shock at how undignified the regime was. Interestingly the Ghurkhas are so motivated to serve the U.K. that they need no bawling out and are treated with encouragement which results in a reputation that just about every other regiment any where has great admiration for but does that change the Top Brass’s methods? There will sadly, always be a need for the Army and if people join up willingly then they have to accept the consequences however well hidden, unfair as that may be, but to force people into joining a brutal dehumanising regime for the sake of ‘ disciplining ‘ unruly, uneducated youth just goes to show how far the govt. is from having any morals; as an aside the Army sends into battle it’s junior ranks, the navy all ranks as on a ship they are all in the line of fire and the airforce sends in it’s officers to battle, it’s lower ranks service all the equipment and remain on base whilst the aircrews which are at least N.C.O.’s do the fighting.

    • There is never a moral argument to force someone else into servitude. Conscription, therefore is always wrong in all circumstances. And, yes, i agree, the military discipline is downright dehumanising. Bearing in mind what recruits are expected to do, it’s hardly surprising.

  2. Perhaps if Hugh Grant had done National Service he wouldn’t be such moaning swivel eyed poof. Perhaps if Hugh Grant had done National Service he would have obeyed the law and not paid that hooker to use his plums to clean her teeth with.

    • Just because they didn’t complain about the system doesn’t mean that it is okay. The state does not own us and has no moral right to steal years of our lives in indentured servitude. No one has the right to press another into servitude. Ever, under any circumstances. This is one of those black and white issues.

  3. My late father, who unlike Hugh Grant, actually did his National Service, impressed upon me the need to oppose any dickhead who supported the idea. Setting aside the idea that the State can help itself to two years of your life (which he was pretty peeved about), he mentioned the lads who hanged themselves rather than face any more of the brutal regime.

    As for the bollocks about it teaching you things – John Peel (who also did his National Service) recounts (as did my Dad) that there actually wasn’t much useful to do most of the time and they had to be found pointless “busy work” and they learned how to scam their way to a bit of extra income and/or booze and fags. I’m not trying to dishonour the military in any way – I doubt you’d find many in the current regular or reserve forces who would think this was either a good or workable idea.

  4. The man is an utterly talentless twat. Not content with destroying press freedom via Hacked Off, so that the next time he gets caught with a prostitute clamped to his wedding tackle, plebs like us will not find out about it (as if we fuckin CARE!) now he wants enforced slavery, to make MEN of us all. His illustrious ancestors all volunteered I believe.

    There is a good reason why National Service was done away with, it was massively counter productive. A resentful, forced and sullen workforce does not work well. As Urko said “pointless busy work” was found for them to do, like peeling mountains of spuds, painting coal white and digging ditches then filling them in again.

    At least a volunteer force volunteered of their own free will, however brutal the indoctrination needed for getting a 19 year old to obey a command instantly and unquestioningly.

  5. Interesting, though, how the Mail is tacking, trying to decide which editorial line to take on this. That linked piece is balanced by their standards.

  6. Grant has been playing upper class dolts for so long he probably thinks he’s the Queen. Or a queen.

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