If in Doubt, Ban it…

Okay, let me pin my colours to the mast; I detest the Muslim veil. Indeed, I detest all Islamic culture and religion, frankly – everything about it but especially the vile, repugnant practice of covering up of women. However, when I see politicians calling for them to be banned – okay, a debate on the matter – my hackles rise.

The debate should be pretty prompt, frankly:

“Should we ban the veil?”


End of debate.

Because, you see, what we wear is up to us. And if some Muslim women do so under duress, it is nothing to do with the state. The way to deal with this despicable little piece of misogyny is to allow property owners to openly challenge it without victim-hood poker being played. For society to express its disgust openly and plainly; to make wearing it untenable when out and about in civil society.

Want to enter my shop, bank, petrol station et al? Then remove your face covering. Want to talk to me? Remove your face covering. And if you try to take me to court, the court throws your case out and charges you for wasting its time. No need for the state to be involved at all.

After all, the veil today, what will it be tomorrow? For once we allow politicians to decide on our behalf what clothing we may wear, then they will see that as merely the opening gambit. There will always be something else, it’s what they do. And the Liberal Democrats demonstrate once again, that they lost sight of the term “liberal” a long, long time ago. Unless, that is, their debate follows the lines of the one I set out above, in which case, I will be very pleasantly surprised.

I ain’t holding my breath, though.


  1. “Going abroad* after the hours of darkness, with the face coverd or masked” (Town Police Clauses act 1847 (?) COULD be another act, or BOTH, has been an offence since…. well… 1847.

    NOW, all of a sudden this is a problem, just because the “masked” choose to shag camels?


    * Out of ones normal dwelling…. those days.

  2. Was listening to R2 news today, and a Judge has ordered a muslim woman to remove her veil if she wants to give evidence??? Her lawyers were objecting on the ground of “It’s against her yooman rights”.

    Now is it me or what, if I should ever be unlucky enough to appear before the beak, and I turn up wearing a long black cloak, jackboots and a Darth Vader helmet (It being all part of *MY* religion as a Jedi), is whether the Judge would actually ask me to remove it before he sent me down for contempt and bringing the court into disrepute?

    No? Then why do they still fuck around pandering to this shit? There’s no difference in the 2 examples, and the sooner all the pandering stops, the sooner all the other shit stops also.

  3. Ooooh! Have they found something else to ban?

    Great! Let’s get banning! 😀

    Wait! Dey be moosslims you be bannin’. Dat’s not good – gotta protect dere kulcha, duncha no?

    Can’t we ban t-shirts, instead? 😉

  4. It is not often I disagree with you LR, not about Muslims, christ on a bike no, I detest them with a passion, not because I am racist but because they are racist and their veiled (pardon the pun) attempts to take over the UK by stealth have my blood boiling, but on this occasion I do disagree and wholeheartedly here is why.
    1. we are told they want to integrate, this is not integration, it is deliberate segregation and exclusion.
    2. They could be anyone (examples, the woman who took her daughters GCSE exams for her, the woman who got a job as a classroom assistant and then took to wearing the veil as part of her religion, she never wore it prior to taking the job, then caused a furore and got heaps of cash in compensation, because the school asked her to remove it and she copped a wobbler, her religion this her religion that, HER HUMAN RIGHTS…what about the human rights of the children that could not understand a bloody word she was saying or interact with her in a normal fashion because they could not see her fucking face. )
    3. We are told what to wear if I go into a bank in a crash helmet I am told to remove it for CCTV and security purposes, If youths wear hoodies in shopping centres they are banned… WHY then should these THINGS be allowed to be treated differently it’s a double standard and it makes me mad.
    We have just moved from a predominantly Muslim area because we could no longer stand the Ninja mob attitude we did not feel safe, for all we knew they could have anything under there and If I have to be recognisable on CCTV “For security purposes ” so the fuck do they.
    Yes in theory your approach is correct BUT we all know that the majority in this country are all to afraid to be branded racist and will kowtow through fear and intimidation, Prime example Mrs Leask from Shetland, the liberal arse lickers have made any attempts to be moderate about these kind of issues impossible and it is endemic of our society that people who “Disagree” with Muslims and their culture as with the blacks are immediately branded racist the same as those who disagree with same sex marriage are deemed homophobic.
    I am the first to say NO to more bloody legislation but in this instant YES BAN the damn veil Ban the Burka ban halal meat or piss off back to the third world countries you come from and integrate back into your own societies… OH NO wait they can’t because they do not have the freedoms there that we so kindly allow them.
    The only countries in the Islamic world that insist on face covering are the ones where Sharia is law, and the JOKE of it all is NOWHERE in the Quorn book of satan does it say the veil must be worn. So why do they do it here in the west?
    To annoy and to keep themselves outside of society. most muslim women who wear the veil say they choose to, NOT that they are forced by muslim law.

    • The test of our principles is if we can apply them to those we despise. We need not more law but less. Remove those laws that the professionally offended hide behind and allow us to refuse to do business with people who hide behind the veil.

      Although France is probably not he best example as they have a ban in place, but when I lived there, I had to speak French. Official documents were in French and if I wanted them translated, well, I could always pay a translator – or learn French. The language of England is English. So all documentation and signage should be in English. Don’t like it? Tough. Don’t like the fact that people won’t speak to you when you wear a bin bag? Tough.

      Eventually, things would change, but I take your point about being where we are. More bans are not the answer; rolling back the state and undoing the poison of multiculturalism is the answer.

      • I agree with all you say there, but they do not even try, this is possibly due to the fact that it has all been made to bloody easy for them, but realistically is that going to change, the simple answer is no, because the majority of those who make the changes are afraid to be branded as immoderate and racist.
        A case in point the tragic story of little Daniel Pelka whose Polish mother and Stepfather murdered him, because he didn’t speak much English, so the very people abusing him were relied on for information on his well being, this is another example of how they get away with it, they play the “No speakie da lingo” card costing local authorities billions every year in interpretation. The area we just moved from the GP surgery had interpreters for every language, Russian, Polish, Romanian, punjabi, Indian, Pakistani ad hoc infinitum.
        Nothing will change because the immigrants have this country in a strangle hold, aided and abetted by our policy makers, so actually for an MP to stand up and say “Hang on a minute, lets debate this” made me cheer to be honest.
        They all bury their heads in the sand and go on bended knee to the muslims, constantly trying to placate and pacify.
        Right up until Lee Rigby was murdered in the streets of our capital city I did not see the severity of this issue, it was brought home to me because Lee Rigby could be my son,
        Our tolerance of this racial issue is a joke Islam is not a race it is a religion, if Adolf Hitler had started a religion rather than a political party I wonder if he would still have been treated the way he was?
        Islam is Naziism in a religious guise and I am afraid it is too late to reverse the damage done by the Liberal left and the PC brigade, for the first time in my life something outside of my Ex Husband scares the living crap out of me and i’m more scared of them than I am of him and believe me that’s a feat in its self.

        • I’m not for one moment suggesting that it will be easy. The debate, however, shouldn’t be about banning the veil, it should be about reversing the multiculti poison, about repealing the laws that allowed it to happen, about giving us the liberty to say what we feel without being prosecuted and to refuse to do business with someone for whatever reason we damned well choose. Now, that’s a debate to be had, not one that creates yet another criminal offence.

          • Now that I can not disagree with.
            But will it happen? my money is it won’t and if it does, well by then it will be too late to reverse the damage without serious bloodshed, these so called “peaceful immigrants” will not go quietly look at Abu Qatada and then you have the militant Islamists born and bred here like Anjem Choudary, then we move to the quislings and the 5th columnists like Richard Reid and the delightful Jamaal Uddin aka Jordan Horner (A delightful little friend of Choudary who was recently was arrested YET AGAIN for race hate and violence). These people are inside our borders and removing their cancer, especially the converts will prove nigh on impossible. Jordan Horner is one of many white British converts to the cause (okay so he is a sad little ginger man with clearly no life) but these people are a huge part of the current problem and all the time we have the European Courts sticking their oar in we will never clean up our act.
            So we need not only to kick the EU into next week but to suddenly and from somewhere A/ find some leadership with backbone and B/ have a plague which only kills leftie scumbags and the PC brigade in order to undo the damage and if it took out our “multicultural visitors” that may go some way to curing the problems.
            Of course the building of a party capable and willing to tackle these issues head on will take many years and we don’t have many years , as every year the immigrant population grows, because they keep coming and reproduce like bloody mice http://kathdoesitherway.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/overpopulation-and-over-consumption.html
            A little piece wot i wrote back in june
            Of course unless we change the voting system it will be almost practically impossible for any new party to gain a foothold for probably 30 years and we really do not have that long! (that needed an ! :D) so I will go back to my previous plan which is to win the lottery buy and island and set up my own country only asking very select people to join , your name LR of course will be top of my list , should my pie in the sky vision of the future ever happen.
            some friends and I plus my brother used to plan all this over a beer in the pub the friends have since moves to New Zealand they got so pissed off with the UK.

          • While I don’t dispute any of this, I can say that a ban would be the wrong solution. Partly because it is highly illiberal and we become as bad as they are and secondly because it is tackling the symptom, not the cause.

  5. Until we bring back the right to ridicule I have a lot of sympathy with Kate’s view.

    Listen to BBC Radio 4’s PM programme from Monday, about 40 minutes in. You will hear a BBC girly love-in about an idiot who wants to be an athlete in a sack but feels she needs the permission of ‘Iran’ to do so. The obvious question that SHOULD have been asked is ARE YOU STUPID?

    I’m all for young girls having pink hair and dressing up in a mix of granny’s discards and the latest fashion but that isn’t the same freedom as wearing a political uniform such as a veil, brown shirt or white hood. Ridicule rather than rules SHOULD do the job, unfortunately the rule now is no ridicule unless it apples to the (non-existent) culture of the (non-existent) indigenous peoples.

    • As I’ve already mentioned, rolling back the state and repealing those laws that protect the professionally offended from such ridicule is the answer, not more laws.

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