Affirmative Off!

Jesse Jackson can take his patronising lectures back across the pond, frankly.

Britain needs its own plan of affirmative action to stamp out generations of racial injustice and to stop the gap getting even worse, the veteran American civil rights leader the Rev Jesse Jackson has said.

Fuck off already. We don’t need lectures from some foreign race-monger. There is no such thing as affirmative action, as it is just another fancy name for discrimination – but in this case, discriminating against whitey because whitey has the effrontery to have pale skin and at one time in the past whitey’s ancestors did bad things to people with darker skins. Those people are long dead. Only in the delusional and warped world of the religious crackpot do we visit the sins of the fathers upon the sons.

Jackson told the Guardian that successive British governments have failed to stamp out racial discrimination, meaning ethnic minorities have been denied justice.

Cockwaffle. Indeed, cockwaffle on stilts with brass knobs on. What utter, utter nonsense. We have had a raft of legislation designed to stamp out racial discrimination. Indeed, the race card has become such a winning hand that it is played now with abandon. We have a police force hampered by the delusional charge of the non existent institutional racism. We have the professional race mongers crying racism every time they want to shut someone up (usually in the Guardian).

I don’t care what happened hundreds of years ago. Contrary to the leftist orthodoxy, Britain was not the only country to indulge in slavery, indeed, there was a time when Britons were, themselves taken as slaves. That time is past. The slave trade – for that is what this moronic arsehole is wittering about – happened. We, unlike the country of his birth – not only stamped it out, we policed the high seas to ensure it was stamped out. We have nothing to be ashamed of and I am not ashamed. We do not need – absolutely do not need – “affirmative action” that merely disadvantages a whole group of people for nothing more than being born with the wrong colour skin. There is a name for such behaviour and that name is racism. Jesse Jackson is a racist. Pure and simple. Now I suggest he fucks off back to the states, we don’t need him here.

H/T Timmy


  1. The whole UK race relations industry was founded on a myth. Unlike the USA where a large number of its citizens were treated as second class on the basis of their skin colour this situation just didn’t exist in the UK until the post war period for the simple reason that the UK was largely populated by a homogenous people little changed for 800 years.

    With the start of mass immigration post-war came the importation of American academics ideas of race and ‘PC’. Different people, different situation but we had to dance to their tune. The polite British use of the term ‘coloured’ was now deemed racist, the darker UK residents now had to be ‘black’, not that they had chosen that term, we had to adopt it because an American thug calling himself Malcom X ‘said so’. Strangely the term ‘person of color’ lives on in the USA yet is now ‘racist’ here.

    And so it goes on. The US is a ‘melting pot’ that has been running for 200 years, not exactly successfully, yet our social cowboys, (certainly not engineers), ape the American social cowboys by trying to ‘catch up’ in the space of a mere 20 years. Imagine the outcry there would be if all plant strains were mandatorily cross-bred to produce ‘diversity’. Yet that is exactly what is being done here and across Europe; the ‘homelands’ of the European peoples are steadily being eliminated to the drum beat of the American Marxist model.

    Why do they not have the same enthusiasm to eliminate the ‘hideous’ blackness of Africa, brownness of India, yellowness of China or, for that matter, mono-religiousness of the ‘world’ of Islam?

  2. Jesse Jackson is a professional racist, his whole career is based upon never ever finding a solution to it, even when it has already been found.

    A quick anecdote. This was told to me by Detective Chief Superintendent, David Morris, then head of the South Wales CID, and a family friend…

    In 1944 the build up to D Day was rolling out and Britain was filling up with American troops ready for the big day. Amongst these American Troops were Black Divisions. These were always ancillery rather than front line and were strictly segregated from the white troops along American Apartheid lines. But all troops get leave time, and so did the Black troops, so they went on the town like everybody else.

    Given their life experiences back in the USA, the Black troops were wary of where they could go for a drink and a good time, but quickly found that they were, in the main, treated as Americans, not Blacks, and warmly welcomed everywhere they went in Cardiff, especially Tiger Bay.

    The American Military Police did not like this one bit, and would raid pubs they knew Black servicemen to be drinking in and drag them out and beat the shit out of them.

    My family friend, the Policeman, was a sargeant at the time and had had his fill of this frankly nakedly racist behaviour. One night his station got a call that is was all kicking off in a pub down the docks. He deliberately held back his response for 2 hours, and when they finally arrived, found the American MP’s on their way to hospital. Every Brit in that pub came to the defence of the Black American servicemen when the MP’s came in mob handed and swinging their billy clubs. All the Black Americans had been spirited away, and no charges were ever brought. That incident made the American MP’s think very hard about pulling that kind of crap again.

  3. The US forces during WWII were segregated. Except when they got over here to the UK. We didn’t allow it. And this dick is lecturing us about racism? And his affirmative action is not only racist but it means that a black man is inferior othwise you would not need the affirmative action in the first place. So it’s racist and insulting. Shove it Jackson and shove off.

  4. Pardon me while I sit here, aghast and amazed. I truly thought that I was the only one with thought along these lines – and the tale of war-time Cardiff is a gem! There is no such thing as “positive discrimination”, there is only discrimination; “positive discrimination” implies that those receiving the “positive discrimination” are somehow inferior – therefore, the very term “positive discrimination” is racist! Arrest that man, Jesse Jackson – he is a racist! And, under our present legislation, the only requirement for any statement to be considered racist is for anyone to consider it racist, then Jesse Jackson should be arrested… Oh, he can’t be. He is black, so cannot be racist (which is in itself, racist – oh, we could spin round in circles on this!)..

  5. The whole myth of British racism is just that:- a myth. Even the most conservative (small ‘c’) British – of any class/social strata rarely give a damn what colour someone’s skin is.

    Culture however, is a different matter.

    No society – anywhere in the world (especially Saudi, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan etc.,) favours having an alien culture dropped in its midst. Having our élite (who are resident miles from such alien cultures) legislate to give favoured treatment to such cultures at the expense of our own is just adding insult to injury – or really taking the piss, as British culture would describe it.

  6. I’ve always wondered why so many of these anti-racism campaigners regard anyone else calling a black person – err – black, to be an insult. I’d have thought that any black person should be proud of the fact – in the same way as a beautiful woman wouldn’t be “insulted” to be called beautiful. As a black colleague of mine (who moonlighted as a nightclub bouncer in the evenings – he’s a HUGE bloke) once said to me: “When I’m slinging some hoodlum out of the club and they call be a ‘black b*****d,” it isn’t the ‘black’ bit I’m offended by. That bit’s just stating the obvious. It’s the other bit that I’m worried that they’ve rumbled – I always thought I managed to keep that hidden under my charming, smooth, professional image!”

    And he, incidentally, had absolutely no time for all these anti-racism, do-gooders who he said irritated the life out of him by claiming to speak for his “effnick” group when all he and his other black friends really wanted was for them all to shut the hell up and stop fluttering and fussing around them like a bunch of unwelcomely-intrusive maiden aunts.

    • I’ve had similar experiences with black people who resent these politically correct arseholes presuming to speak for the “black community”, which doesn’t exist anyway. You don’t belong to a community based upon the colour of your skin. That, after all, is racist. There is some dry amusement to be drawn from observing these nasty bastards indulging in the very racism they claim to be opposing.

    • I’m old enough to remember the rise of the Black Panthers in the States. The clue is in the title, they didn’t call themselves the Persons of Colour Panthers did they? People of Colour is a term so dumb and irritating that only a white middle class leftie progressive could possibly have thought it up.

  7. We, unlike the country of his birth – not only stamped it out, we policed the high seas to ensure it was stamped out.

    And some of those vessels were commanded by John Perkins – the Royal Navy’s first black captain – who took charge of his first ship back in 1778.

    It was almost 200 years later when the Americans followed our lead (1966 I believe?) so I’m certain we have few lessons to learn from them on matters of race. Affirmative action is evil and so are those champagne multi-millionaire campaigners who promote it.

  8. I like the attitude of Joan Armatrading. When asked if she had ever experienced racism she said, “No. But I’ve met people who don’t like me”. A sensible and very talented lady.

  9. HEY JACKSON! If slavery was so bad for the coons, where are the massive queues of them at the airports desperate to take the next flight “home?”

    • Of course, the point that these vile race-mongers overlook is that the descendants of slaves enjoy a better quality of life than their African counterparts, so would, on the whole, prefer not to go to Africa and make a life for themselves there. Indeed, when they interviewed black people in St Paul’s in Bristol a few years ago about slavery, the general reaction was WTF?

      The race-mongers also dwell on a slave trade that stopped two hundred years ago while cheerfully ignoring the one that is going on right now in Africa and the Middle East, but, then, it isn’t whitey doing it, so that’s all okay then.

  10. BOO i am returned.
    I am sorry to say that the so called Black communities have a huge chip on their shoulders about slavery, conveniently forgetting that it was actually started by the Egyptians long before white men ever got involved.
    They love to dwell on how badly they were treated and lets face it if it wasn’t for us they would all still be living in mud huts without power and TV and the latest mobile phones which they all seem to have on any news programs I watch.
    They would never have evolved past pointy sticks and rocks , so I really fail to see what exactly they have to have such a huge chip on their shoulders about.

    • That is precisely why they have the chip – that the natives did nothing to improve their own lot, but embraced that offered by the white man has to cause a certain amount of rancour with their off-spring. They also appear utterly blind to the fact that it is the white man who is mainly responsible for stirring up this hatred, all for personal gain.

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