Orwell Had it Sorted

Apparently, those lazy Welsh don’t do enough exercise and ministers are being urged to do something about it. Well, of course, there is always the “something must be done” isn’t there?

Conservatives’ health spokesman Darren Millar said more must be done to “coax people to do more and get off their sofa”.

“If they [the Welsh government] are flogging a dead horse it has to change,” he said.

Well, yes, obviously; stop flogging it…

Look, this is nothing –  I repeat, nothing –  to do with government or its ministers. If people want to be couch potatoes, that’s their concern. It is not the place of anyone else and certainly not the government to lecture us or, heaven forfend, encourage us to do more exercise –  or any damned thing, frankly.

I suppose they could take the Orwell approach. We can all have a Telescreen in our homes and be cajoled into physical jerks or else…

That’ll work. Maybe…


  1. Maybe the government should concentrate on sorting out the country’s finances. Once they have all the really important problems solved, this issue will still be non of their effing business.

  2. An interesting aside to this story is my thoughts when I saw the recent advert for Samsung’s Smart TV’s – the ‘TV of the future’, which showed a family sitting around the TV having a two way web chat with their Grandmother, through the television, and a dramatic voicover making claims like ‘one day all tv’s will be like this…’ Yes. One day all TV’s will be Telescreens. Just like Orwell predicted in his useful handbook for fascist regimes…

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