National Service for the Oldies

Lord Wei has a spiffing idea for the oldies; National Service.

David Cameron’s former adviser on the Big Society is proposing that all newly retired people take part in a type of national service.

I’m not sure whether I should laugh or cry. It’s not entirely clear whether he means that this should be entirely voluntary or whether it would be “voluntary” as in political speak for compulsory.

Anyway, this gent has the idea that the newly retired will be sitting round for the best part of thirty years before popping their clogs, so they might as well be co-opted into Cameron’s Big Society.

Exfuckingscuse me, but hasn’t this cretin noticed that most of us won’t be able to afford to retire, given that our pensions were invested in a whacking great ponzi scheme that is on the point of collapse? My retirement plan includes carrying on working. Even if I felt inclined to volunteer for the Big Society –  which I most assuredly do not –  it is out of the question. My diary is reserved for clients and likely as not will continue to remain so long after state retirement age.

So… Fuck off already.


  1. U do not want to think about this.

    What the fuck is he doing in the HoL?

    I give up. I just give up.

    Cultural Revolution, straight from Watford. You work! Old man – you work harder! Work hard!Old woman – get up – you work!

    * Some of my best friends are Chinese. They are just not in our HoL, and they wouldn’t come up with this shit.

  2. Isn’t it wonderful how these self important twats know exactly what everyone else is thinking, doing and in need of ? Of course none of us are capable of running our own lives and working out for ourselves what we need to be doing. The patronising certainty of the man is breathtaking, all that bollocks about the baby boomers leading structured lives and needing the guiding hand of a big brother replacement to give purpose to their final years, he’ll be asking David Cameron if we take sugar next. He’s obviously just picked up the baby boomer meme and worked it into his half baked proposals as a substitute for having anything interesting or important to say.

  3. Does this arsehole have any connections to the “Intergenerational Foundation” I wonder?

  4. He’s a think tank wonk for Cameron, but clearly not one who does much thinking.

    I’m still of working age, and my retirement date is being pushed farther and farther into the distance by fucking useless politicians in order to balance the Government balances sheets that they have ruined during the last 20 years.

    By the time I retire I will have worked for 50 solid years, during which these fuckers will have taken going towards half my lifetime earnings off me in Income tax and NI.

    Why the fuck would I want to do Government mandated volunteering at the end of that? Fuck off! I want to be able to have a rest, quite frankly I will have earned it by then.

    The only volunteering I want to do is to be in Gordon Brown’s firing squad.

    • John,

      If we supplied a rifle and one round to all who would volunteer for Gordon Brown’s firing squad, it would cause another crisis in our defence budget. Perhaps if he hugged Blair to him, the ministry would be more inclined to stump up…

  5. They have already advanced the retirement age to 76 here, and there is talk of 80!

    “We have no money!!!!” say the dictatorship

    Naha?!But we can give BILLIONS to South European pederasts, mafia bastards, and donkey fuckers, so they can still retire at 50???

    “Crisis? WHAT crisis?”

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