1. Not just the dinosaurs; from (predictably enough) the Mail…

    The world’s obese people could help stop global warming by going on a diet, scientists claimed today. Obese and overweight people were said to be contributing to climate change just by breathing.

    The experts from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen published their findings in the International Journal of Obesity. However, they did not include methane gas emissions from flatulent large people, despite evidence about cows contributing to greenhouse gases.

    Don’t you love that ‘however’, with its suggestion of far greater horrors yet to be disclosed?

    The most worrying aspect of this is it potentially unites the food fascists with the carbon footprint brigade…

  2. Science is dead. Where is it buried? I will go and lay a wreath at the site.

  3. I suspect that the ground is being laid for the idea that the only way to save the planet is to eradicate all life on the planet – that way, the atmosphere will remain stable and unchanging, perfect for… Ah! There seems to be a fault in that argument.

    All the “warmists” are mad – uttterly, utterly mad!


  4. Very funny
    Actually, iit is thought that the start of herding animals MAY (just MAY…0 have stopped a reversion to an ice age in bothe the Yonger Drayas, and more recently in the Little Ice Age.

    Menawhile, back in the real world.


    GW or rather “Cliamate Change” is real.

    Stop listen=ning to the lies of the big Oil companies and the Koch Brothers.
    If every single senior scientific institution on the Planet (Royal Sociaety equivalents) say GW is real.
    Then: It’s real.

    WHere is YOUR REAL EVIDENCE that contradicts the GW evidence?

    • The climate has been changing ever since the planet solidified. It will continue to change and we cannot stop it, nor should we try. The idea that dinosaur farts caused it while apparently completely ignoring the volcanic activity that was rife during the Jurassic is laughable.

      Big oil has bugger all to do with it.

  5. Big Oil has everything to do with the vast and deliberate campaign of decption and lies, because doing something about CC/GW would affect their profits.

    Yes, the climate changes.
    So what?
    What some of us are concerned about is that EXTRA changes are being brought about as a result of human activity, and that those changes are, if allowed to go far enough, inimical to us.

    • The only propaganda, deception and lies I see is the massive hyperbole backed with junk science and religious fervour of the AGW crowd.

      Is the climate changing? Yup.
      Should we do all that we can to reduce pollution? Yup.
      Should we return to an agrarian, medieval society based upon “peer reviewed”* science and what is little more than a new age religion? Absolutely not.

      *Peer review is the scientific equivalent of getting one’s mates to mark one’s homework. It is not scientific and it is far from robust. Proper scientists publish their findings along with their methods so that others can replicate those findings or falsify them. And they are not afraid of being proved wrong.

      • XX Absolutely not. *Peer review is the scientific equivalent of getting one’s mates to mark one’s homework. It is not scientific and it is far from robust. Proper scientists publish their findings along with their methods so that others can replicate those findings or falsify them. And they are not afraid of being proved wrong.XX

        It is not the scientists producing the “work” that are afraid. It is those reviewing that are afraid to prove them wrong.

        They would never get another job/grant/tenure/whatever again. They know, Soviet Union like, they may as well retire to the Dacha and wait for Berias mates to come and pay a visit.

  6. Sorry Longrider, but you are erm, “Not even Wrong”

    Yes the liars of the so-called “Green” movement” have climbed onto what they percieve as a bandwagon, and it has really not helped at all.
    But the science is solid, and Furor Teutonicus is seriously, badly deluded, if indeed he even knows what science is – presumably it’s all right if it agrees with his prejudices. Not the way it’s done, I’m afraid!
    Science is alive and well and working, and so is peer-review.

    I will refer you to (I think) the Berkeley study.
    Where a well-known scientific critic of what is called AGW was PAID, by the anti-GW people, including the vile Kochs, to carry out another, extensive review of as much of the work as possible.
    Now this person had public form for rubbishing (quite correctly) some of the less-rigorous and frankly sloppy work SOME climate researchers had put out.

    After a couple of years this guy published.
    His conclusions?
    That AGW IS real, and that something needs to be done (very carefully) about it.
    The fall-out has been interesting, with some spectacular name-calling.

    • XX Furor Teutonicus is seriously, badly deluded, if indeed he even knows what science is – presumably it’s all right if it agrees with his prejudices.XX

      A lot like your lot and their “jolly hocky stick graphs” then really.

    • Oh, and of course the scum bags that would have us believe all the polar bears are now getting severe sun burn, have never NEVER recieved one single CENT from any Government with a vested interest in taxing us to the hilt for so called “cures”?

      Whilst you are thinking (If you CAN) about that, wanna buy some snake oil? Does wonders for everything from atheletes foot to lung cancer….HONEST! We have reports to prove it.

  7. OK
    There are three known payers of seriously large amoubts of money to the “don’t believe the scientists” propaganda machine.
    They are Exxon, the Koch brothers, and (I think) Texaco. It isn’t “secret”, just not spoken of much.
    Note that OTHER oil companies, notably BP & Shell are not going near this with someone else’s.
    So there isn’t a “conspiracy by Big Oil” but there IS a well-funded lying propaganda campaign.

    On the other “side” you have every single professional respectable competent scientific body on the planet – people like the Royal Society and the US adadamey of Sciences, and their equivalents everywhere else.

    Now, on a matter of science, whom are you more likely to believe?

    And if you really have evidence to the contrary, where is it?
    I also refer you to the “Berkely Study AGAIN.

    Just because you don’t want to believe it – like there is no “god” and the velocity-of-light limitation, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
    Now bloody well grow up.

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