Foreign Aid

David Cameron is planning to increase foreign aid. This, despite us being in hock to the tune of billions, despite a drastic need for more public expenditure reduction. As individuals, many of us have faced the demons of a recession with job losses and financial hardship. We expect, therefore, for government to do as we have and cut its cloth accordingly. What we do not expect is for them to piss it away in foreign aid. It is deeply insulting to see the money they extort from us sent overseas to line the coffers of corrupt dictatorships or pissed away trying to sustain the unsustainable.

Apparently, we can afford it.

He said: “Of course, it is difficult when we are having to make difficult decisions at home. But I don’t think 0.7 per cent of our gross national income … is too high a price to pay for trying to save lives in terms of the poorest people in the poorest countries.”

No, we cannot afford it. Also, aid is merely enabling the ongoing reliance of third word countries on handouts from others. What they need is free trade –  so we can scrap CAP and similar subsidies, ditch all protectionist policies that prevent these countries trading on an even footing and trade freely with them, giving them the opportunity to drag themselves out of the mire of poverty. Simply giving them a freebie –  that may well end up paying for the latest new Roller for the relevant kleptocratic ruler –  creates more dependency and encourages the same conditions that caused the problem in the first place. Cameron cited Live Aid as a shining example. I didn’t give to Live Aid. I have never given to any of the dreadful self-righteous yetanotherthons and exhortations from over-paid celebrities to put my hand in my pocket while they merely give their time for “free”. If they think it’s a good idea, they can dig deep –  they have more of it than I do. But, thinking about Live Aid, how are things in Ethiopia today? Well, as recently as 2009, the country was facing famine…

Foreign aid doesn’t need to be reduced, it needs to be stopped in its entirety and stopped now.


  1. Very free with our money, aren’t you Mr. Cameron?

    Yes, OUR money, EARNED by the fruits of our labour, which YOU force us to hand over on pain of imprisonment…

    (takes a quick break before I come over like DK et al…)

    …If I am in debt, I cut back on the luxuries to try and get myself solvent again. This country is borrowing my annual salary every THIRD of a second to keep the bailiffs from the door and we’re doing things like this?

    The last government made “cuts” necessary. This one doesn’t seem to be enacting them properly. Meanwhile, we get shafted whatever.

  2. Have you considered the possibility that those who rule us are consciously acting against our interests? Nothing else makes sense, and when you have eliminated all the other possibilities…..

  3. Immigrants benefit the economy apparently, so the best thing we could do for African and Asian countries is to repatriate their charming migrants. Let us make that sacrifice to demonstrate our anti-racism.

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