Booze Gives You Cancer

This is the BBC –  although it could just as easily be the Mail.

Drinking more than a pint of beer a day can substantially increase the risk of some cancers, research suggests.

Note the weasel word, there –  suggests.

It’s interesting –  in a train wreck kind of way –  to watch the righteous peddle their lies.

In the last 10 years, mouth cancer has become much more common and one reason for this could be because of higher levels of drinking – as this study reflects.

Drinking levels are on the rise, are they? Not according to the ONS, they ain’t.

There is no evidence here that actual drinking habits have changed.

If you tell a lie often enough and loud enough, people will come to see it as the truth. That Goebbels fellow knew a thing or two and his lessons haven’t been forgotten.


  1. 10 years ago they were banging away at the “undisputed fact” that it was smoking that gave you mouth cancer. Now it’s beer/booze simply because the rate of mouth cancer has become more common. Perhaps smoking cured mouth cancer, certainly a thought now isn’t it 😀

  2. Ian Gilmore was on ITV news and was given a hard time about this…NOT. They even brought the culling of the smoker by higher taxes into the discussion. I swear a saw a broad smile on Gilmore’s smug fucking face.

    See Mark Wadsworth’s rebuke from the BBC site’s replies section.

  3. Alcohol consumption in the UK is declining. Oral cancer has an incidence of just 0.8% and is relatively rare compared to breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. there is a genetic compinent for both as well as an age related factor (which is true of many other cancers).

    Binge drinking is having 3 pints or half a bottle of wine at a sitting. This is normal behaviour and not binging at all.

  4. Three pints?! I had four pints just this afternoon in a short space of time and I’m not drunk at all, nor can I really feel any effects. I’m a very heavy fella too, so I’m another reason foe the Righteous to hate me.

    It’s absolute cobblers of the very highest order. Yes, if you drink far too much and it’s a problem for you then it should be dealt with. That said, leave everyone else the Hell alone.

    We are, I believe, a surprisingly moderate country (tending almost towards dry in some areas even!) when it comes to actual drinking of alcohol. It’s more the perception (or reputation) of the British as violent, drunken yobs that is the real issue. Most of us aren’t like that though yet the prohibitionists are attempting to guilt us all with a) the health argument; and b) the thinkofthechildren/drinkers are all violent sociopaths excuse.

    It’s sick.

  5. I saw this report but never got round to blogging it. 1 in 10 seems quite a low number. Wonder what the other 90% were caused by. And how old the people who developed these cancers were, and what jobs they did and were there any hereditary factors and …

  6. Why is it always cancer? Have all the other diseases and ailments been cured now?
    Are the sheep so scared of cancer that they will be convinced to give up anything if it can be remotely associated to cancer.
    I heard that pre pubescent smokers are more at risk of an undescended testicle.

  7. Can’t someone please come up with a survey that concludes that talking like a twat causes cancer?

  8. The BBC report says that one in ten (10%) of all cancers in men and one in thirty-three (3%) of all cancers in women are caused by past or present alcohol intake.

    It goes on to say that of these 18% in men or 1.8% of all cancers and 4% in women 0.0012% of all cancers ‘were linked to excessive drinking’ – which they define as something akin to walking past an off-licence one a week – or a pint a day, whichever is greater.

    I wonder if life long teetotallers suffer from a marginally higher or lower total rate of cancers than the rest of us?

    A pal of mine is recovering from cancer in his throat and was told by his consultant that the three main indicators are smoking, drinking spirits and viral infection through oral sex (becoming more common in young women apparently). No mention of real ale there then.

  9. Then there is the OTHER prevalent medical LIE.
    “overweight” according to the BMI (Body-mass indax)
    According to that, I’m overweight at 1.79 metres tall, and massing 82kg.

    Ther is a subtle reason for this.
    A really big study was done of a large population, and then this was graded for average/over/underweight.
    Slight problem.
    It was done in the Mid-Western USA, during the early 1930’s – that’s right – “the dust-bowl”.
    So the results were skewed from the start.


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