More on Godwin

Dick Puddlecote opines on Godwin in relation to the recent Jon Gaunt case. Frankly, Godwin is a pain in the arse and I have made my views on his “law” plain in the past.

Sometimes a reference to the Nazis is perfectly legitimate. However, when making it, there will always be some fatuous smartarse thinks he is clever by shouting “Godwin’s law!”

My response to this type of self-satisfied, smug fuckwittery is; “Oh do just fuck off, will you?” Godwin did no one any favours by giving the hard of thinking the Internet equivalent of an unguided intercontinental ballistic missile.

Jon Gaunt’s reference to Nazis was accurate and therefore valid. Drawing comparisons between Labour party policy on civil liberties and the Nazis is valid and accurate and Godwin can stick his “Law” where the sun don’t shine, frankly.


  1. To say the Nazis were viruently anti-smoking is completely false. Hitler may have disliked smoking and underlings may have promoted anti-smoking as a means of gaining Hitlers approval and recognition but it was never a major doctrine.

    lndeed, Eva Braun, Goebbels and Goerring openly smoked in Hitlers presense. Also items for sale today include silver ciarette boxes that were in Hitlers offices, Hitler Youth SS cigarette cases, Gestapo cigarette cases etc. Hitler even presented Otto Skorzeny personally with a white and gold cigarettes case.

    Are there ASH similar items for sale? … mmmm, that’s an idea! 🙂

    Godwins Law isn’t a law … it’s simply a statistic dressed up for sheepies

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