Playing the Race Card

I don’t generally follow US politics, but Jimmy Carter’s comments regarding recent attacks on Obama’s health policies caught my attention.

Former US President Jimmy Carter says much of the vitriol against President Barack Obama’s health reforms and spending plans is “based on racism”.

Mr Carter told a public meeting there was “an inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president”.

Republican lawmaker Joe Wilson was rebuked on Tuesday in a House vote.

He shouted “You lie!” while Mr Obama was delivering an address on healthcare to Congress last Wednesday.

The House resolution of disapproval described it as “a breach of decorum”.

Here we go again… Bereft of real arguments with which to refute the dissenters, the old race card is played. Joe Wilson’s outburst was nothing that could be construed as racist – he accused the president of lying. Given that this is what politicians do for a living, the term “liar” is nothing more than an observation of fact. It had nothing to do with the colour of the man’s skin. Black people lie as well as white people – shock! Horror! But if you say so, you are a racist.

I am also amused that telling it like it is, is deemed to be a breach of decorum. Frankly, we could do with rather more breaches of decorum on both sides of the pond.

As for Jimmy Carter – a disappointing and predictable effort. Must try harder.

Nourishing Obscurity also comments on this one.



  1. “Given that this is what politicians do for a living, the term “liar” is nothing more than an observation of fact.” – so true.

    From here:

    This: “In his 1970 campaign Carter was elected governor on a pro-George Wallace platform. Carter’s campaign aides handed out thousands of photographs of his opponent, the liberal former Gov. Carl Sanders, showing his opponent associating with black basketball players. On the stump, Carter pledged to reappoint an avowed segregationist to the state Board of Regents. He promised as his first act to invite former Alabama Gov. George Wallace into the state to speak. Old-line segregationists across the state endorsed Carter for governor.:

    I find it jump to infer racism from: “You lie”.

    Jimmy Carter is not one who ought to be pointing fingers.

  2. “Bereft of real arguments with which to refute the dissenters, the old race card is played. “

    Usually, you leave that as the card of last resort, the nuclear option, the fast strike with overwhelming force.

    Odd of Carter, of all people, to reach for it first
    .-= My last blog ..Joined-Up Government: Part 347 =-.

  3. Bill, of course he’s not crap at his job, it’s coz he is black innit? If you dare to suggest that he is crap at his job, it’s because you are a racist.

    Julia, I thought that, too.

  4. Longrider,

    Well I must be a ‘racist’ then. Isn’t that nice? Although his skin colour as far as I’m concerned is purely cosmetic. It’s his job performance that concerns me.

    The God has feet of clay.

  5. On another site, someone was comparing Wilson to someone “abusing” the Queen.

    Given that Obama is a politician, there is no comparison, nor is he due respect merely because he is president. Respect is earned, not granted.

  6. I am not a fan of Obama but that is a result of my own personal distaste for the cult of Obama and I am probably not giving him a proper chance because my perception and opinion of the man is tainted by his trashy media popularist public image of a man who can do no wrong….because he is black….

    Oh then again there is his Brownesque spend, spend, spend and forget about tomorrow short termist approach to the American and world economy.

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