Trolls Hang Around Like a Bad Smell

I notice from my stats that despite being banned, my troll is returning most evenings. Indeed, there were four attempts last night. All of which is interesting. Thrice during discussions he claimed to be going away and on each occasion he returned. It’s a bit like those emotive farewell posts on forums where people claim to be leaving and then never do. Given his open contempt for me, you wonder why he would want to bother.

The other interesting thing to note is that this troll, using an anonymous proxy, taunted me that an IP ban wouldn’t keep him away. Apart from IP banning this proxy and placing a referrer ban, I have also installed a plugin that prevents anonymous proxy users from completing online forms, such as comments. We will see how effective that one is (my test results didn’t stop me, so probably not very). Not that I have a problem with the general principle of anonymous proxies for genuine users seeking to preserve their privacy, but they are a useful tool for those who would abuse the system. Given that, I’m comfortable with taking this action for the moment. Once I’m happy that the troll is history, I can relax my defences.

So each evening, he comes back using the same series of IP addys. You would think he had got the message by now. Besides, any comments he leaves will be summarily removed, so why bother? Human nature is a funny thing.


Update 19/08/09: Another five attempts last night, all with the same block of IP addresses. Still not got the message, it seems.


  1. Bugger trolls…how’s things in France? Here in the Minnesota southern tier the barley, oats and wheat is in, all the straw baled and this third hay (alfalfa) cut a-baling. And, NOT a perishing hot devil of a Summer either, high seventies and eighties mainly, pretty decent humidity too. I expect it’s some MORE of this here “climate change….” At present the Cats are on the ScheiBe Roster for various nefariosities & divers incidents of Fish Lifting from out of the pond, but that’s about it on the crime front. We are eating ourselves into comas of potato salad and sweet corn and blue gills fried in beer batter, and plenty of sauerkraut with caraway and piles of the fried up carcases of My Buddies, The Spring Rooster Babies. Vile cannibalism…wie Gott in Frankreich as they say, only probably in the E-major key!

  2. how’s things in France?

    It’s been in the mid to high thirties during the past week. Yesterday we had a flash storm and the 800 litre water butt I just bought was filled in about fifteen minutes. Cats are doing okay.

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