1. I found one of those in my garden a couple of years back, turns out some kid from the local school had brought it home to look after over the summer holidays and it had got out. The missus and I thought it a beautiful creature then one day we read up that the mantis is closely related to the cockroach and suddenly it didn’t seem so lovely any more……

  2. A lovely creature, we don’t have them as far North as in Minnesota but may, one day, if there is anything to the global warming hoax. MDPIC sent for the larva of some last year but they were a non-starter, I am sorry to say (apart from the ethics of hatching the deceived creatures here, I mean). There are walking-stick insects, though. Meantime, I am getting on with the combining nicely, and the fireflies are beautiful again this year. But, I regret to report that there are few or no crickets going. That was a sound that used to girdle the whole northern World in the Summer, and even in New York you were never out of the sound of a cricket, though you might well have had to bend low over the gratings to hear one clearly over the motor-roar.

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