Righteous vs Righteous

I have read the combined idiocy of both Bob Piper and Neil Harding with something like despair over the past few years. I’ve managed to fall out with both – unsurprisingly. However, when they fall out with each other, the fur really flies. Make yourself a pot of tea, sit back, read and enjoy. The comments are a hoot. Incidentally, my money’s on Piper.


  1. Having had the same difficulty communicating with Harding (the straw men and the outright lies), I almost feel sorry for Piper.

  2. He was indeed – as he was regarding the Stockwell shooting. Unfortunately, he is wrong more often than he is right (which is most of the time) and as Bob Piper points out here; when he is caught out he simply lies his way out.

    Harding once congratulated himself on the manner of his discourse, that no matter how much he was insulted by those he lied about, he always remained polite – interesting then, to see him call Bob Piper a wanker; an epithet I’ve never seen him use on his political opponents. These guys are supposed to be on the same side. Labour truly is the nasty party – it’s why I left.

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