Spot On

Via Timmy. This:

The single greatest instance of intellectual foolishness today is the continuing pretense that politicians are serious people worthy of serious consideration.  They are scoundrels, each and every one, regardless of party (although some of them, it is true, are more scoundrelly than others).  For any scholar to pretend that these people are disinterested servants of the public welfare — to pretend that the words politicians utter or send out in press releases are meant to promote any goal other than politicians’ own glorification and pursuit of power — is for that scholar to be duped to a degree that should be more embarrassing than would be the discovery that that scholar believes the earth to be flat or that Big Foot was in league with Lee Harvey Oswald to murder JFK.

Absolutely. Read, inwardly digest, remember – these people are not your friends, they are there to serve their own interests and no one else’s. Servants of the people, they are not.