The Wickedness of the Righteous

Leg Iron comments on the case of the Christian parent whose child was rebuked and whose personal emails were used to accuse her of professional misconduct.

Mrs Cain sent a private email to close friends to ask for prayers for her daughter after she was called into the school where she worked in Crediton, Devon, to be reprimanded.

Her daughter Jasmine had been overheard by a teacher discussing heaven and God with a friend and had been pulled to one side and told off.

Mrs Cain contacted 10 close friends from her church by email but the message fell into the hands of Gary Read, the headmaster of Landscore Primary School where she works.

That the treatment of the Cains is pernicious should be obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense. As a child, I recall Jesus being discussed in much the same way that this child was discussing him. I’m not entirely sure I believed it then, either, but that matters not. It was harmless enough and certainly wasn’t proselytising. What Mrs Cain should be asking herself at this moment is which of her friends is untrustworthy – and unworthy of friendship. Anyone who forwards a private email in this manner is not a friend, they are the type of person who, a couple of generations ago, would have passed similar correspondence onto the Stasi – or before them, the Gestapo. Such people are wicked to the core.

The Headmaster, Gary Read, is worthy of our contempt and derision for not doing the right thing and binning the email as the product of wicked troublemaking. His reasoning for this piece of illiberal behaviour?

The profession’s regulator, the General Teaching Council, has drawn up a new code of practice that states classroom staff must “promote equality and value diversity”.

What utter, utter nonsense. I would expect staff to be tolerant; that would be appropriate professional conduct. To promote is to cross a line that should not be crossed. Certainly the “equality” touted by the righteous is not something to be promoted. We are not all equal. That is an observable fact and the sooner children learn this and become accustomed to the idea, the better it will be for them. As for diversity, I do not value “diversity”. I am tolerant of peoples’ right to believe whatever they want to believe. Indeed, I would defend their right to do so. But I do not value it and nor should I be expected to. Indeed, there are some creeds, such as Islam, for example, where I hold the whole shebang in absolute contempt. How can I “value” a mysoginistic death cult? I cannot. But if someone wants to willingly embrace it, so be it, I wouldn’t dream of standing in their way.

On the same day, we were told the Prince Harry is to be sent on more “diversity” training. That will, no doubt, help out when he has to go out and shoot the enemy. Last night I saw a snippet of television where the gathered righteous shared their shock and horror at a comment that was no more than a tactless gaffe, similar to those uttered by his grandfather. Prince Harry may be none too bright, But Stephen K Amos is an arsehole of the first water. Any decent, reasonable person would have put the comment down to tactlessness and left it at that. No, this shit-head had to blurt it out and share the horror with the nation so that the righteous could indulge in a mass wankfest of righteous indignation.

Anyway, Leg Iron writes the usual thoughtful piece. There is, however, one small point of issue for me:

Atheism, by the way, is now officially a religion with Dawkins as its prophet. Criticism of Prophet Dawkins is not permitted, and Atheism is the One Truth that all must see and embrace. So, since I have no religion, I can no longer be an atheist either. I’m going to have to be an apathist or something.

No, no, no. Atheism is a lack of belief in gods. It is not – despite what the righteous might try to say – a belief system or a religion. It is a lack of belief. Nothing more, nothing less. Let them get away with this, and another word will be lost in the same way that “liberal” became usurped and twisted into its exact opposite. We must not allow them to steal our language. That is how they steal our liberty.


  1. Longrider writes: “Atheism is a lack of belief in gods.”

    He and I have discussed this before, so we don’t need to spend a lot of time on it again. However, my view is slightly different: “Atheism is a belief in lack of gods.”

    On the issue of the talking child, school-teacher mother, Stasi-informing ‘friend’ and pathetically PC teacher and headmaster, he and I are in full agreement.

    Best regards

  2. Nigel,
    I think you are closer to the meaning of atheism, though in my view, atheism goes slightly further than “Atheism is a lack of belief in gods.” It is the more affirmative “belief that there is no god”
    We could go on –
    Agnosticism with which atheism is often confused or associated with “nothing can be known/proved about the existence of God”, but may be combined with atheism, or religion – not being able to prove the existence of God allows a combination with either faith in God or atheism.
    Most simply avoid the question, and are agnostic – though they often mistakenly call themselves atheist.
    I actually think Longrider is an agnostic atheist.
    Dawkins is probably a militant atheist who has “faith” in his atheism.
    I also agree about the substantive matters – Stasi and the like. However “the school where she worked” may be relevant – the monitoring of e-mails at work is far more common than it should be.

  3. According to her comments in the Telegraph piece, the email was sent at the weekend from her home computer. Therefore, someone must have sent it to the headmaster – unless work related email monitoring has gone way beyond what we had so far assumed…

  4. This is of course another “persecution of Christians” story trumped up by the Christian Institute.

    However, you have missed the essence of the headmaster’s case, which is that the child reduced a classmate to tears by telling her that if she didn’t believe in Jesus, she would go to Hell. [The mother denies this.]

    As always, it’s difficult to unravel the truth but yet again politically correct “multiculti diversity/equality” wreaks havoc with harmonious community relations.

  5. I don’t doubt that there is more than one side to the story; there always is. As a child I was told much the same (by the teachers, I might add) – it didn’t have any effect, though…

    The headmaster seems to be taking issue over the email requesting prayers. Whatever the content, it was private and sent outside of the school. Therefore, it was nothing to do with the headmaster.

  6. I really don’t understand why some folk get so prickly about Christians wanting to pray for them. It’s a kindly gesture and harmless as long as they also provide the necessary medication – which the saintly Mother Teresa didn’t.

  7. How many bloody times.

    Aethism is not a belief. For it to be so then disbelieving the ever so charming “spanky lesbian pixie wenches” would be a belief as well.

    Arguing that people who believe in non rational objects are incorrect is not a belief, it is an opinion of the beliefs of nutters.

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