Kerry McCarthy and Jack Straw; Nasty Fascists

Kerry McCarthy is a nasty little fascist. If there is one thing that the 1984 campaign has succeeded in, it is that it has displayed the hypocrisy and self-serving nature of our elected representatives. It doesn’t matter that their closed minds have not been changed on jot – people can see for themselves just how wicked they are by their own words.

Far from engaging with the views of those they are supposed to represent, they change the subject or simply vilify those who dare to disagree with them. McCarthy turns the issue of civil liberties into a nonsensical rant about prostitution in East Bristol. She does, though, deserve “quote of the month” for this little gem:

I don’t think ‘freedom’ is sacrosanct if by that you mean the freedom to oppress, exploit, abuse, harm others.

Perhaps there should be a new campaign, to send these nasty authoritarians copies of J S Mill or J Locke – because no one is making an argument for freedom to abuse others and only a cretin would think that they are. A cretin or a charlatan. Take your pick, McCarthy is one or the other (possibly both). Her response was, in essence, the same as that of Tom Harris. They cannot win the argument face-to-face because they have raided our civil liberties, they have put into place the building blocks of a totalitarian regime and they cannot provide an adequate justification for doing so. Therefore, they take their ball and flounce from the field in a huff. 1984 campaign, job done, I think.

And, on the matter of our pernicious government, words failed me when I read (via Tim) about Jack Straw’s latest wheeze* to deprive British citizens of their liberty.

The wives of men facing criminal charges will have their wages docked by the Government to pay for their  defence.

And they could even be forced to remortgage the family home to settle the bill for legal fees.

The presumption of innocence means nothing to these people. One of the fundamental human rights is the right to a fair trial – this proposal undermines that principle. I find it difficult to express just how incredibly angry it makes me. Justice is one of the few things that the state should be providing from the tax pot. An innocent man defending himself against an unjust charge should not have to worry about being able to afford it should things go badly and the jury convict.

There was a time when I struggled to convince myself that these people were well meaning but incompetent. In the intervening years, I have gone from party activist, campaigning for Roger Berry, to hating everything that they represent. I will never vote for any of them ever again – and I am far from alone. Kerry McCarthy, Tom Harris and Jack Straw neatly sum up all that is rotten in the state of Denmark. There is nothing well meaning about this proposal, nor does it smack of casual incompetence. This is very deliberate. This is an intentional raid on our civil liberties. This is designed to reverse the relationship betwixt citizen and state with the state’s boot firmly on the citizen’s throat. This is pure, unadulterated evil.

And that stupid cow, Hazel Bears, wonders why we are so negative?

* Yes, I know it’s the Daily Mail, but the essense of the story; that we should be forced to fund our defence, is reported elsewhere. I’m earning close to £40k these days and I don’t consider myself wealthy by any means.


  1. On the plus side, just read the comments on Kerry McCarthy’s blog.
    No wonder they want to censor the internet!

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