Evil Little Fascist

Via Tim, DK and Bishop Hill, my post migraine stupor is disturbed by the inane, stupid, evil drivellings of this obnoxious little fascist, who demonstrates that he is not only incredibly ignorant of history, but prepared to impose his prejudices and bigotries on others. Thanks, chaps, I needed that, really, I did.

I presume that the truly egregious Chris Hallam is a product of our failed education system. The education system that seems not to bother with history. I mean, does the noxious little shit-for-brains not realise just how Al Capone made his fortune? No, it wasn’t tax evasion. Still, never mind that prohibition does not work, never mind that prohibition merely fuels illegal trafficking, Chris Fuckwad Hallam wants smoking banned; everywhere, forever.

Ultimately, the ban enacted on July 1 should not be the end of the legislative process but the beginning. The months and years to come should witness a wealth of legislation enacted by the government leading towards one ultimate goal: the abolition of smoking, whether public or private, throughout the land, forever.

I’m sorry, but what an arrant wanker. What does this mindless little fascist think will happen in his smoke free utopia?

Bishop Hill:

You would have thought that after the chaos of the war on drugs and prohibition in the 1930s people would have learned that banning things has unintended and very unpleasant consequences. Mr Hallam obviously feels that tobacco smuggling gangs having gunfights on every street corner is a reasonable price to pay so he doesn’t have to sully his nostrils with a whiff of tobacco smoke. Some people just never learn.

I can only presume that Chris Hallam is ignorant of such history, has never been exposed to it and, like others of a fascist ilk, has little understanding of humanity. People won’t stop smoking because the nanny state tells them to, they will simply go underground, there will be smoking speakeasys – now, there’s an idea. Probably a few bob to be made there…

And, of course, this disgusting little excuse for a man proffers the justification used by charlatans the world over when seeking to attack our liberties. Think of the chiiiilldreeeeen!

And what about children? If the government is sincere about protecting those most vulnerable from second hand smoke, then why isn’t a ban on smoking in all households containing children, at least being considered?

And how, exactly does he think that this will be policed? Telescreens in every room, watching our every move? If ever there was a candidate for the lamp post, rope and spike treatment, this is your man.

Also, although DK points to it as well, the comparison between smoking at the wheel of a car and using a mobile phone is a straw man that would make the wicker man pale into insignificance. There is no correlation.

Still, nice to see that comment is free manages to maintain its usual low standards of journalism and employs historically illiterate half-wits to write for it. Standards have to be maintained, after all.

Interestingly, the comments are overwhelmingly critical of this stupid excuse for an article. Interesting, very interesting…